From Knight Rider to Knackwursts — David Hasselhoff’s Unlikely Love Affair with Germany

<p>When you hear the name David Hasselhoff, what comes to mind? Is it the bronzed and well-coiffed lifeguard from the sun-soaked beaches of &ldquo;Baywatch&rdquo;? Or is it the intrepid crime-fighter at the wheel of a high-tech, talking car in &ldquo;Knight Rider&rdquo;? While these images have become synonymous with Hasselhoff in the American pop culture consciousness, there&rsquo;s another place where The Hoff has carved out a unique and enduring legacy. In Germany, Hasselhoff isn&rsquo;t just another imported TV star. He&rsquo;s a phenomenon, a pop culture icon, and a symbol of a transformative moment in the nation&rsquo;s history. He&rsquo;s the one and only &ldquo;Hoffmeister&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Unlikely Love