ChatGPT, Do You Love Me?

<p>How many products powered by AI do you often interact with?</p> <p>Some use Alexa to control their smart home with their voice.<br /> Some use Siri on their iPhones to create reminders and appointments. Some use ChatGPT to get their questions answered, solve tasks, and more.</p> <p>Those aren&rsquo;t AI tools you use once in a while, but they&rsquo;re already incorporated into our lives. Some people have become so attached to them that treat them like humans showing politeness and kindness by using words like&nbsp;<em>thank you</em>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<em>please</em>, asking what they like/dislike, their opinion about certain topics, etc.</p> <p>While there&rsquo;s nothing wrong with that, the way we interact with AI now could reveal how the future human-AI relationship will look, and, in this article, I&rsquo;d like to take a moment to analyze something we might&rsquo;ve overlooked.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: ChatGPT Love