“Transistor’s Love Story” (Teeraphan, Bangkok, 2022) A Theatrical Review

<p>&ldquo;Transistor&rsquo;s love story&rdquo; is a book written by Wat Wallayanggoon. Penake Rattanaruang made it a film in 2001. I remembered indulging in watching it as a young boy. For a while, I have heard that someone will make it into a theatre. And that while is about two years now. I believe these two years have changed many people&rsquo;s lives. Someone quit theatre, and some moved to a different country or career. Everybody seeks refuge in the light of the pandemics and whirlwind of recessions. Shakespeare always writes about ordinary people&rsquo;s lives as a comedy, for example, in Twelve Nights and Much Ado about Nothing. Wat Wallayanggoon did a similar thing by writing &ldquo;Transistor&rsquo;s love story,&rdquo; a lighthearted novel. In his first theatrical direction, Teeraphan directed the show as though it were Hamlet. He &ldquo;holds the mirror up to nature.&rdquo; And by holding this mirror, he holds it from farms in the rural area, hoping to reflect the lives of everyone involved. Those people are audiences, theatre-makers, and actors. However, those people stand in Bangkok, Thailand&rsquo;s capital city.</p> <p><a href="https://radtai.medium.com/transistors-love-story-teeraphan-bangkok-2022-a-theatrical-review-364cce2ba2a8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Story