My Three-Year Love Affair with Lisbon

<p>The restaurant I used to work at had a heavy identity crisis, much like the identity crisis I would experience when, a few years later, I left the city for good.</p> <p>It was located close to&nbsp;<em>Avenida da Liberdade</em>, the fashion avenue lined with luxury boutiques, yet it was too hidden away from it to attract a consistent stream of tourists. It had a hipster look with wooden surfaces and an abundance of plants (it even had a florist shop inside the restaurant!), yet it served traditional Portuguese dishes, such as&nbsp;<em>Cogumelos &agrave; Bulh&atilde;o Pato</em>&nbsp;(mushrooms saut&eacute;ed in garlic, lemon juice, and coriander) and&nbsp;<em>Polvo &agrave; Lagareiro</em>&nbsp;(octopus cooked in herbed garlic oil with smashed potatoes).</p> <p>As a result, the clientele was a mix of foreigners and locals, and the restaurant would either be too crowded or too empty.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Affair