My Trans Non-Binary Journal: Love Triangle

<p>This new phase of our relationship feels like uncharted territory, yet there&rsquo;s a part of me that is ready to explore it. The woman we are considering bringing into our relationship &mdash; whose name I will hold back for now &mdash; has already made a significant impact on us.</p> <p>I reflect on the initial apprehensions I had about opening our relationship. The journey from those early days of uncertainty to now has been one of immense growth.&nbsp;<strong>I&rsquo;ve confronted feelings of jealousy, worked through insecurities, and arrived at a place of understanding and acceptance.</strong>&nbsp;It&rsquo;s a testament to the strength and resilience of our bond that we can embark on this new chapter together.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Triangles