Amores de Chumbo — A youthful love story of old people

<p>One of the very few good things about long-distance flights is the opportunity to watch films from different cultures. I stopped watching English films several years ago(but still watch Godfather 3&ndash;4 times a year)as I find them monotonous. I love watching films from different languages &mdash; Iranian, Japanese, Egyptian, Korean and of course, Indian films in all major regional languages. During my last flight, I watched &lsquo;The Wedding Party&rsquo;, a Nigerian film which I thoroughly enjoyed. English films have made massive advances on the technology front but when it comes to storytelling, I still rate the Iranian film &lsquo;The Children of Heaven&rsquo; as one of the finest ever. These films transport you to different cultures and different contexts and the human flavor that we get from each of these cultures are so similar, yet very unique.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Youthful Love