Tell Me How You Love and I all Show You Who You Are

<p>Doyou know how you love?</p> <p>When I work with people in therapy, this question is often the foundation for our work &mdash; especially if they&rsquo;ve been hurt.</p> <p>When you&rsquo;ve been through a breakup, it&rsquo;s natural to want to unpack what led to it, and the psychology of the person you&rsquo;re with.&nbsp;<em>Were they avoidant? Insecurely attached? Or was I in bed with a Narcissist?</em></p> <p>The answers to those questions are often hard to pin down. What is easier &mdash; and more productive &mdash; is to delve into who you are as a partner. The ways in which you approach and &ldquo;do&rdquo; love.</p> <p>For my clients I use a 7-point model to give them a starting point for their self-analysis- and some simple clues as to who they are in love.</p> <p>I call them the seven pillars of love.</p> <p>Here&rsquo;s a sneak peek.</p> <h1>Who are you in love?</h1> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.&rdquo; ― Lao Tzu</p> </blockquote> <h2>How you trust</h2> <p>Trust is first on the list for a reason &mdash; it&rsquo;s the bright yellow signpost to the way we love. Thing is, though, everyone thinks trust is about being able to trust your partner. Of course that&rsquo;s important but that&rsquo;s only half of it &mdash; the half you can&rsquo;t control. In the end, none of us can monitor our partners 24/7. And why would we want to?</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
Tags: Love trust