Where Has The Love Gone?

<p>Of course, it is not love that has gone anywhere; it is the false, fantasy self that has cracked apart. The false self cannot remain indefinitely, and when other parts of our personality begin to emerge, it seems as though the person we knew has disappeared.</p> <p>Charles was devastated. He idolized his mentor, the person who was everything he longed to be. After a few years of studying with him, a scandal erupted. Charles learned secrets about his mentor&rsquo;s life that shocked him. They were in direct opposition to everything the mentor taught and seemed to be. Charles couldn&rsquo;t eat or sleep and was stricken to the core.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/where-has-the-love-gone-4b2a9cf672b8"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Gone