Guinness… Love It or Leave It?

<p>The picture might give you a clue&hellip; I love drinking Guinness when I&rsquo;m in Ireland. To be more specific, whenever I&rsquo;m in Dublin. And to be even more specific, when I&rsquo;m at the brewery where they make the stuff.</p> <p>At the top of the seven-storey building, there&rsquo;s a bar called the Gravity Bar with views all over Dublin. The first time I went there, there were quotes inscribed on the glass from various Irish novelists and poets. I wandered around drinking my pint and reading those quotes. I remembered a lot of them from my University days.</p> <p>The next time I visited the Guinness Storehouse, the quotes were gone &mdash; I don&rsquo;t know why &mdash; probably some political correctness or such. It could have been something simple like the glass needed replacing and they couldn&rsquo;t be bothered getting the quotes done again.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Guinness Love