To Find Lasting Love, Apply the 37% Rule

<p>Does the 37% rule work?&rdquo; my client asked.</p> <p>He was newly single and ready to get back in the dating game. But after 10 years in a relationship, he was apprehensive. It seemed to him like there weren&rsquo;t too many winners in online dating.</p> <p>He had a few mates caught in never-ending dating loops &mdash; a few of those dates turned into relationships but none ever seemed to stick. He called it &ldquo;there might be someone better&rdquo; syndrome.</p> <p>A married friend had told him about the 37% rule and, being a stats man, he liked the idea of applying math to the complexity of love. &ldquo;Anything that makes it easier!&rdquo; he said, and I could see his point.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lasting Love