My Love Affair with Cannabis

<p>I love&nbsp;<em>everything</em>&nbsp;about weed. The smell, the taste of freshly cured &lsquo;flower&rsquo; (what the fresh buds are called), or the scent of a specific strain.</p> <p>Gotta love those terpenes, man &mdash; responsible for that distinct smell and taste. I like how super sticky it is when you touch it and all the kief (trichomes). The plant itself gets huge! All from a tiny two-millimeter seed.</p> <p>I feel so good when I smoke. I feel more&hellip; me. Hell, I&nbsp;<em>am&nbsp;</em>more me. Approximately four (okay, I ate seven) gluten-free Oreos more me. Yes, they make them GF!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Affairs