What is Love? Two Simple Binaries That Help Us Love Better.

<p>Recently, a friend and I met for coffee. Our conversation predictably landed to her relationship. She was expressing frustration about not feeling seen, or deeply met. It was a longtime story for her, and she was sensing a &ldquo;used by date&rdquo; looming. &ldquo;But she really loves me&hellip;in&nbsp;<em>her way</em>,&rdquo; asserted my friend. &ldquo;I mean, I know she cares about me; I know she has deep feelings about me&hellip;&rdquo; she trailed off, her eyes averted down to her coffee cup. I knew she was holding back tears. &ldquo;&hellip;but, well, but I just don&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>feel</em>&nbsp;loved.&rdquo;</p> <p>If I had a dollar for any time a friend, client, or family member said this to me over the years, I&rsquo;d&hellip;well, I&rsquo;d probably be doing exactly what I&rsquo;m doing, but with a lot more savings in my bank account! How is it that we live in a world full of people who proclaim love, while at the same time so many feel unloved?</p> <p>I believe it is because there is a fundamental gap in our understanding of how love works. I used to witness this gap during my days as a horse trainer and riding instructor in my 20&rsquo;s. In this line of work, one&rsquo;s clients were usually very wealthy and could afford the best of everything &mdash; best boarding stable, best training, best truck and trailer, best tack and gear. All this to serve horses that could cost anywhere from $50,000 to $250,000. Each day I would walk the long, immaculately cleaned barn aisles hosting dozens of box stalls built from the finest materials. Well-oiled leather halters with polished brass fittings hung neatly on the stall doors lovingly enhanced with a silver nameplate: &ldquo;Rubicon&rsquo;s Moonlight&rdquo; or &ldquo;Diamante Fino&rdquo;. Inside stood a quiet &mdash; too quiet &mdash; beautiful and shiny equine.</p> <p><a href="https://kelly-equus.medium.com/what-is-love-two-simple-binaries-that-help-us-love-better-d8f07bcd43e5"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Better