Did I Tell You That I Love Dogs?

<h1>Photography</h1> <p>Dog Love-Dog Joy shows up in my photography.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s Scampi pictured above. She was my rescue Jack Russell Terrier. The timing was perfect for me to capture this.</p> <p>Silly girl with that trickster grin. Jacks are like that. Intelligent, funny, intense, loyal. She was short, but no shrimp. Pun intended. I think that Scampi got tired of hearing that. Over time, her hearing became selective. She didn&rsquo;t lose her hearing. She didn&rsquo;t listen.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*42HtUEJFUhtqZwoqPqwK2w.jpeg" style="height:980px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Artwork and Photo copyright Author</p> <h1>Artwork by way of custom portraiture in graphite</h1> <p>Dog Love-Dog Joy shows up in my artwork.</p> <p>This is Annie &mdash; a friend&rsquo;s dog. Annie got lucky. She is an adopted rescue from a Texas shelter where not just that one but many other Texas shelters are currently busting at the seams, overcrowded with strays and surrenders.</p> <p>My friend&rsquo;s daughter was happy and excited about her dog&rsquo;s portrait. I think it was the wispy top knot that I managed to get right from the photo her mother provided to me.</p> <p>Details are so important to get right. They are essential to capturing a dog&rsquo;s personality in artwork.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@karenjwettstein/did-i-tell-you-that-i-love-dogs-fc914ff39878"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love dogs