How Growing Up With Depression Made Me Fall In Love With Superman

<p>Everybody has this idea that Superman is boring because he&rsquo;s kind, and I don&rsquo;t think people realize how hard it is to be truly kind and how that makes Superman more interesting than he gets credit for.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*hEPEYJ7P7AK7I1JU2FnW9g.jpeg" style="height:366px; width:700px" /></p> <p>I grew up in the age of the Tim Burton Batman movies. I was literally three years old when &ldquo;Batman &lsquo;89&rdquo; came out. Consequently, I grew up a fervent Batman fan. I still love Batman.</p> <p>I mean, he&rsquo;s basically Detective Hamlet. This lost orphan kid who&rsquo;s returned home to his father&rsquo;s kingdom to become literally &ldquo;the world&rsquo;s best detective.&rdquo; What&rsquo;s not to love about that character? He has some of the best villains in all of comics, some of the most iconic storylines, and a great cast of extraneous characters and it helps that almost all of the Batman movies are genuinely great films.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s sincerely easy to be a Batman fan. And I still would consider him to be my favorite superhero. That being said, Batman is kind of a depressing and cynical character. I mean, there are multiple storylines revolving around how he has a plan to take out each member of the Justice League should he need to. The guy is considerably cynical, and so was I in my teens and early twenties.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Superman