“White Culture:” Why Be Proud of Something That Doesn’t Exist?

<p>Iused to love Grimes and her music. My favorite album of hers was&nbsp;<em>Art Angels</em>, which featured awesome songs like &ldquo;Kill v. Maim&rdquo; and &ldquo;Venus Fly&rdquo; (a song with which she collaborated with queen Janelle Mon&aacute;e). According to my end-of-the-year wraps, she was one of my most listened-to artists on Spotify.</p> <p>However, I&rsquo;m now questioning my taste in music ever since Grimes revealed her white supremacist tendencies.</p> <p>Many blame pseudo-genius Elon Musk for somehow &ldquo;corrupting&rdquo; her, but no one &ldquo;turns you into&rdquo; a white supremacist. You have to choose to open your mouth for them to feed you. Also, Grimes is in her 30s. Let&rsquo;s not take away her agency.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/afrosapiophile/white-culture-why-be-proud-of-something-that-doesnt-exist-a73def679448"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Grimes