How I Discovered My Autistic Daughter’s Love for Music

<p>Miami pulsates with rhythm. The streets hum, the palm trees sway to salsa, and the ocean waves keep the beat. This city is a symphony, and my family is part of it.</p> <p>One day, as the sun sets, I catch my daughter in a trance. Her eyes are wide, her little body sways. She listens to a street musician strumming a guitar. I see it &mdash; the spark. Music speaks to her.</p> <p>I bring her closer to the music. She doesn&rsquo;t speak words like you and me, but she sings. Oh, how she sings! Her voice is a cascade of notes, not quite words, but pure emotion. It&rsquo;s as if her soul takes flight on the wings of melodies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Music