Love, Addiction, and The Road Ahead

<p>Lauren and I have always enjoyed having a few drinks. Sometimes, a few drinks can lead to a few more drinks. I was never a heavy drinker because I didn&rsquo;t like the hangover. So as her drinking became heavier over the last six months, I followed along and smoked more pot. I&rsquo;m not saying it was her fault. This was&nbsp;<em>my&nbsp;</em>choice. I did this to myself.</p> <p>As the weeks went on, I got stoned more and more. I didn&rsquo;t see how bad Lauren was getting. Our sleep patterns were disrupted. She&rsquo;d start to get up in the middle of the night to drink. She&rsquo;d drink in the morning because, &ldquo;breakfast bourbon!&rdquo; She&rsquo;d drink before going to a restaurant, because, &ldquo;cheaper drinks.&rdquo; I didn&rsquo;t care. She seemed happy and in control and I was high and oblivious.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Addiction