On Stewarding Love & Liberation

<p>I stare at towering palm trees and rolling hills carpeted by dense emerald shrub. Behind me, men take dips in holy water. It feels surreal to be back at the same ashram where, 15 years ago, I received the Skype call that changed my life: A job offer at United Nations headquarters in New York City.</p> <p>At 25, I had struggled with the ashram&rsquo;s teachings, which centered on personal transformation as the path to social transformation, and was relieved to have an excuse to leave. I remember debating the swami: With so much suffering all around us, why should I work on myself?&nbsp;<em>I&rsquo;m</em>&nbsp;<em>fine</em>. Instead of just sitting here and meditating, shouldn&rsquo;t we spend our time trying to fight injustice?</p> <p><a href="https://panthealee.medium.com/on-stewarding-love-liberation-1ccad3b69486"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>