How to fall in love with a city

<p>It carries you to the beautiful castle that you&rsquo;ve built in your mind;&nbsp;<em>My Brave New Life&nbsp;</em>engraved at the gate. There, you&rsquo;ve meticulously planned each chamber. The Flat &amp; Neighbourhood chamber, which you&rsquo;re going to love. The Workplace chamber, which you&rsquo;re going to love. The Activities chamber, which you&rsquo;re going to love. And then the Friendships chamber, which you&rsquo;re also, rather luckily, going to love.</p> <p>This is what happens when you design your own castle from scratch, you&rsquo;re ready to say with a humble shrug, to anyone who asks. To anyone who doesn&rsquo;t have such a great relationship with their city, who maybe isn&rsquo;t a good match, or simply hasn&rsquo;t put enough effort.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: fall Love