The Purest Love is Detached Love and This is How It Works

<p>The idea of detached love comes from the Buddhist practice of unattachment, which is to be with any thought, feeling, or experience without getting hooked. It&rsquo;s different than attachment theory, which explains the psychological experience of how we learned to bond with others beginning in infancy, and then how that learned style of attachment plays out in relationships.</p> <p>One example of the Buddhist concept of attachment is this: If we feel anger, we can experience that feeling and allow it to pass through our experience. No biggie. But, if we&rsquo;re angry and then we come to think and then believe that we&rsquo;re an angry person, or we become prideful of being angry, or we feel badly about ourselves for being angry, then we&rsquo;ve become attached to the emotion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Purest Love