To Forget the Pain is to Forget the Love

<p>The documentary &ldquo;We Were Here&rdquo; about the AIDS crisis and the response of the LGBT community in San Francisco brought back memories. Memories that were forgotten, perhaps repressed, returned. What horrible, wonderful times they were. They were horrible with the deaths and loss of friends, but wonderful when you realize how much the community did to care for one another.</p> <p>When people were dying, the people of San Francisco were there to care for them, and comfort the mourners.&nbsp;They fed the hungry and carried the burdens for those too weak to carry them themselves. It brought home the hypocrisy of evangelicals who never lifted a finger to help these people, but gloated, damned and condemned.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Forget Love