A Little Note, With a Lot of Love

<p>Hi. I haven&rsquo;t been around that much lately. Sorry about that. I&rsquo;ve missed you guys.</p> <p>There&rsquo;s a reason.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve been working on a new&hellip;publication. Website? Idea? Place to be and share my thoughts? Whatever you want to call it. It&rsquo;s&hellip;different. Better, or at least I think it is.</p> <p>I think that&rsquo;s going to have to be the place I write most from now on. We&rsquo;ll discuss why later. Medium&hellip;sigh. It&rsquo;s a discussion I don&rsquo;t know if I&rsquo;m ready to get into right now, fully. I feel disappointed with how they&rsquo;re managing the platform. Or&nbsp;<em>not&nbsp;</em>managing it towards any particular end or goal that I can see or resonate with lately. So.</p> <p>I think I&rsquo;ll send over a sneak peek tomorrow, if it&rsquo;s ready. It&rsquo;s a little more&hellip;focused? Structured? Interesting? Richer, deeper, fuller? I don&rsquo;t know. You&rsquo;ll have to be the judge of that. It&rsquo;s almost time. Not yet. But almost.</p> <p>That doesn&rsquo;t mean I won&rsquo;t be writing here anymore. But it does mean that things will&hellip;change. I still haven&rsquo;t quite figured out how. Or even how to say and express this all well.</p> <p>Changes are always hard. And in particular, now, when the world is in turmoil, I feel bad imposing a change on&nbsp;<em>you</em>. So please accept my apology. And let me say thank you for reading my words, sharing your thoughts, and supporting me and the community we built over the years.</p> <p><a href="https://eand.co/a-little-note-with-a-lot-of-love-3876c696e904"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Love Note