It’s Enough Already

<p>It&rsquo;s the holidays again, as I am sure you are very much aware. A time most of us dread, especially as we get older, as expectations grow higher, and as money and time are scarcer. Ironically in the &lsquo;Me Too&rsquo; era, I don&rsquo;t think that being a woman could be any more impossible than it is today. Which is why I must say the following.</p> <p>It&#39;s enough already. We work full-time jobs, and then most of us come home to start the second or third shift. We work ourselves to exhaustion, wearing masks of brittle, frazzled smiles and trying to make life wonderful for those we love. Because we DO love them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Do Love