Tag: Self

The Path of Ease

“Breath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, fatigue. Let go of the need for approval. Let go of old judgments and opinions. Die to all that, and fly free. Soar in the freedom of desirelessness. Let go. Let Be. See through everything and be free, comp...

Why I Needed To Stop Just Taking Action

I used to be shy. Incredibly shy! So shy that (until the age of 12) I couldn’t bring myself to ask for water at a family friend’s house. I rarely spoke up at school — absolutely dreaded being called upon. There was even a time (at age 7) when I couldn’t bring myself to int...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

I Can’t Believe I’m Just Finding Out That I Was Half-Married for Years

“You’re going to keep going to marriage counseling by yourself?” asks my friend. “Yes,” I say. “I don’t know what else to do. He says he won’t continue going and things aren’t getting any better in our marriage. If anything, it feels like it...

You Can’t Be Anything You Want (But You Can Have The Next Best Thing)

Everyone seems fine with recognizing the difference in athletic talent. It’s clear someone like LeBron James was born with genetic gifts most others don’t have. Fewer people are willing to recognize natural differences in areas like: Intelligence (The advantages of having) goo...

7 Things I’ve Learned About Self-Care During My Divorce

During my long and abusive divorce sleep deprivation, stress, and duress were a part of my daily life. It became a vicious cycle. The more stressed I was the less I could sleep. My family and friends voiced their concerns. I was equally as worried. But the divorce abuse my husband was infli...

Can We Change as We Get Older?

Doyou ever wonder if people can change? If we can heal? Become better people? Overcome our weaknesses and worst flaws? Be the kind of people we really want to be? Or are we all just a mess? Is it inevitable that we fall into patterns of chaos and mediocrity? We are human, after all. I find ...

7 Foreign Words That Describe My 12 Years On the Road

When I first started travelling the world at 20 years old, I found comfort in meeting people that spoke English. Although everything else was foreign, there was a familiarity in being able to connect in a common language. However, the more I travelled the more I longed for the unknown. So, I&r...

The Boy in the Woods

I’m ten years old, playing down in the creek at the base of our driveway. It’s winter 1974, and the woods surrounding the creek are wet from fresh rain. The acidic flux of old oak trees fills the air with a soft vinegar aroma, and the lichens smell earthy and woodsy, like a damp Harri...

51 Short Reminders That’ll Ease Your Stress More Than the Next Best Self-help Book

o you remember Gandalf from the “Lord of the Rings”? Don’t stress if you don’t or haven’t watched that movie. There is a wise wizard that says, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” It’s not just poetr...

The Reasons Why We Drink and How Understanding Them Can Help Us Change

Let’s face it: conversations about alcohol often tread a fine line between casual acceptance and taboo. I believe it’s high time we normalize talking about why we drink. Exactly a year ago, I quit drinking, managing to stay sober for 11 months. But then, life happened — I went t...

Why I let people believe I want a baby daddy

In a world where traditional family ideals often cast a long shadow, I’ve chosen to walk a path less traveled. I’ve allowed people to believe I have “baby daddy issues,” not because it’s the Truth, but because it’s easier, people enjoy and believe predictable ster...

5 Subtle Signs Someone Is Full Of Shit

Life-changing advice has one problem. It can change your life both ways — good and bad. Many people want to give you their opinion, but most are full of shit. I’ve listened to a bunch of nonsense. “Go into this career, it’s the best.” “I’ve cha...

Little Things That Aren’t Little

Asking how someone’s day was when they know the sidewalk rule specific compliments, a smile from a stranger, asking you questions when you’re talking, nicknames, being in the sun, walking in a group and someone waiting for you to catch up, facetiming till 1am, ”checking in on you&r...

What We Carry

A fellow medium writer and dear friend once asked me about my seeming surveillance of the state of others’ eyes. She posited reasonably, that it was somehow connected to my analytical nature and my having a brief military background; a hypothesis that was supported by her observance of my some...

Those Words that Saved Me

Looking back at this year, there have been moments of peace and steadfastness, but also moments of restlessness and confusion. Fortunately, for me, writing has been a soothing companion throughout the year, providing infinite courage and strength. 1. Work is truly important No matter ho...

We Should Help Those That Want to Help Themselves.

The title of this article may have you thinking,” Hey, she just misquoted a bible verse.” It may surprise some and delight others to know that this popular quote did not originate in the bible. I guess that goes to show that we can learn something new every day, but more to the poi...

Let me celebrate you

I appreciate how kindhearted and robust you are lately — even when you’re at your lowest. You can celebrate it today — celebrating your existence, celebrating your small wins, celebrating your spark’s feelings, celebrating whatever it is. Although it was just a little win for...

How to Keep Setbacks from Setting You Back

Gymnastics has always been one of the things that makes me most happy in life, and when I became a mother of two, I didn’t want that to change. So I decided I would return to an adult gymnastics class as a place to reach my fitness goals. I have, but not without my fair share of obstacles. ...

How I Find Meaning and Purpose of Life as an Atheist

Can atheists find fulfillment and meaning in life? For committed religious people, especially those raised in religious families, comprehending how life can hold value without a belief in God may be challenging. They might genuinely struggle to understand how atheists derive meaning from their exist...

Do Hard Things if You Want an Easy Life

The other day my mom told me about a family member who had a flat tire on her bike. This relative doesn’t live an easy life. She had a doctor’s appointment and when she pulled out her bike to go there, she discovered the flat. She doesn’t have a car. So she ended up walking to t...

16 Best Self-Help Books That Will Change Your Life According to James Clear

Self-improvement is a lifelong journey, and one of the most effective ways to gain insight, inspiration, and practical strategies for personal growth is through reading. Renowned author and speaker James Clear has compiled a list of the 16 best self-help books of all time, each offering a unique ...

5 Self-Actualizing Lessons I’ve Gained From Over Three Years In Therapy

This year marks my third year of seeing a therapist. I can say with great confidence that I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for the work that my therapist and I have been able to do in so many months. I have learned so much about myself, the world, the way I show up, and how to be bo...


Hello there, This is my first article so I hope this topic will be useful for you. The word self-talk is made with two words: self and talk, i.e., talking to oneself. It enhances your performance and reduces stress and anxiety at work. “Self-talk reflects your innermost feelings. ...

Stop Calling Things Too Sentimental

They told me she hadn’t eaten in a week. That she’d just said the day before how much she’d love a bagel, of all things. I didn’t know that last August when I bought a dozen and left them, warm and fresh, in the community kitchen at hospice one morni...

Where Does Self Hate Come From?

That may seem harsh and difficult to understand. If you know me personally, it may be hard to accept. “Not Bret, he’s always smiling.” Hating myself doesn’t mean I never smile or I can’t enjoy the world around me. I can and I do. But still, this feeling is always the...

Unlocking the Power of Self-Reflection and Personal Development

Life’s journey is a profound teacher, offering us invaluable lessons through our experiences. Today, I want to share three pivotal moments in my life that have not only shaped me but have also highlighted the immense potential for growth and self-discovery that exists within each of us. Throug...

Why America and Britain Are Both Self-Destructing

Look at the world today, and a striking fact glares out at you. The bellwethers of social collapse are…Britain and America. The world’s two largest English-speaking societies. Old friends. Nations with similar political philosophies, both of whom will tell you they’re among the wo...

What I Am Known For

With my negativity bias it was difficult to think of positive things I am known for, so I started with a few negatives. Right away I thought about how I am known for having a straight face when I open gifts. It’s impossible to tell if I like the present. I don’t mean to seem ungratefu...

I Spent Seven Hours in the ER

I can’t breathe, my mother says. Her body is volcanic. She gasps mouthfuls of air. Here we go again. Instructions: Pull on your coat and pad to the kitchen. Call the car service. We know where you live, kid. Bear the weight of her body down six flights of stairs. Zip her jacket and ...

7 Signs You Care Too Much About People’s Opinions of You

Do you care about other people’s opinions of you? I used to care about those opinions. Caring about that messed me up. I started doubting myself. I began overanalyzing everything, including my behavior and all the conversations I had with others. That was definitely time-consuming and a ...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

The Masterpiece

With each brushstroke She paints the sky Of her dreams gold She thinks blue makes Her eyes and heart cold No matter how hard the past Tries to spread its shade On the canvas of her present She already knows the color That her future holds Read More

A Thousand Lives

Melancholy rivers run through this body of lingering sorrow and a yearning for lost stories forgotten by time — in another life, I could live a thousand lives. A hundred birds in one, a hundred letters of burning passion that has never died, a hundred different psalms that brin...

The 4th Room

There is space within all of us to be great. What happens though, along the way, is that we get lost in the easy stuff. The stuff that steals your attention because it shines. The stuff that holds empty promises but even though we know that, we fall down the rabbit hole anyway. You know the st...

4 Quiet Behaviors that Reveal a Person’s True Self

Have you ever wondered what might lie beyond the surface when you interact with someone? While some behaviors may shout loudly about a person’s character, it is often the smaller, quieter actions that hold the most profound insights. These behaviors, often overlooked or underestimated, c...

the one with all the poetry

it was so bizarre walking through a replica of a space I was so used to seeing only on a television screen — for years and years this space was like a new york city fantasy world, a sitcom reality — and to walk through it at full scale, it was fun and weird and trippy — t...


The tense hand cradles my tilted head Thumb pressed to the right temple Fingers digging in where they can Exhaustion is setting in My eyes are sealed tight The jaw clenches with ferocity The lump in my throat pulsates My stomach tightens and shakes I am outside of reality Trapped in eve...

What we call I is but the tip of an iceberg.

Behind all the bragging and bluster of champion boxer Muhammad Ali there was a deeply philosophical and spiritual side. He said ‘ The service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth’. The Idea of our mutual interconnectedness has rarely been expressed more clear...

Was it a dream…

You were there right behind me, as we were walking in the crowded street or was it a wild party, like, a carnival. People were everywhere, milling around, in strange costumes, their eyes on painted faces, shining, behind their masks, and I, got lost, separated from my mob, following another group...

What does a 30-year-old man need from a relationship?

What exactly does a 30-year-old man look for in a love relationship? By the age of 30, a person experiences a serious crisis of self-identification, which can be illustrated by the question “Who am I and why do I live?” During this period, many things change in his life, including ...

I am not lovable

Today isn’t even my birthday, and I feel like I grew up. I don’t know why. Maybe it was because I’ve been able to survive lately? Or because I’m not complaining about things again? Strange, but..true. Never felt like an adult. Either never wanted (even back then) to be an ...


I got home shortly after Bilateral L4 Epidurals on 09/11/2023. Local anesthetic wore off middle of night. Had trouble sleeping. To cope, I started drafting you - dear supportive friends, family, activists & artists - the following, cursory, initial update. Afterwards, I was able to sleep for ...

How to Re-Connect With and Stay True to Your Authentic Self

It’s relevant for dating, interviews, or simply a philosophy to follow for a good life. But I always wondered…How? How do I make sure I’m “being myself”? How do I know I’m not fooling myself, and not genuinely living in a way that I don’t want to? ...

Mastering Self-Motivation

In our daily lives, we're constantly selling ourselves. Success hinges on our ability to do so effectively, regardless of our profession—be it a lawyer, accountant, manager, politician, engineer, or doctor. We invest significant time in convincing others to embrace our offerings, ideas, or...

Why It’s Okay To Be Self-ish (By The Time You Turn Sixty)

The 14th of September 2023 marks my living on Earth for sixty years. And it’s time for me to do for myself what I’ve done for others for six decades. What does the word “selfish” mean to you? Does it conjure up any of the following synonyms? Self-centered Stingy ...

Is Secular Thought Progressive or Self-Destructive?

Medieval Europe used to be as conservative and insular as modern Saudi Arabia. The Christian kingdoms were theocratic in that non-Christians were demonized, and critics of the Church were hounded as heretics. An advantage of any such closed society is that the regime could apply Aristotelian virt...

I’m Building a Habit of Quiet Self-Compassion And It’s Changing My Life

The realisation that I was my own worst enemy happened on the most ordinary of days. I turned out of work and began my 50-minute commute home. Before that, I’d never really questioned the voice in my head. It seems weird to even mention it out loud. I hope you’ren’t thin...

Letter To My Younger Self

You think you’re broken now, And that the world will never know. Trust me, the world will break you more, But you will come out strong. You will look for happiness in the wrong places, Desire a lot to fill up the empty spaces. You will dream big and then get crushed, Face harsh realit...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

Where Do You Stand Among the Four Levels of Self-Discipline?

Ever since childhood, I’ve been rebellious, wanting to break the rules and go beyond boundaries. I believed that I could never maintain discipline for long. However, things changed when multiple adversities struck my life simultaneously, and I took up running seriously. After participating ...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

25 things I’d tell my younger, anxious self to feel ready to take on the world

What I learned over 38 years I wish I was told when I was younger. Personality is temporary and made up. You can be who you want to be. No one has the power to lower your self-esteem because self-esteem is an illusion. Rejection is a sign you are growing and living. It’s not a big de...

When Self-Improvement Collides With Living

I was on my way to the frozen yogurt shop recently when I spotted a ripped, shirtless dude jogging effortlessly down the street in 105-degree heat. Here in southern Nevada, our summers get hot. We have little humidity, but even dry heat can lead to dehydration, severe sunburn, heat exhaustion, an...

People With High Self-Worth Reject These 5 Behaviors

There’s a silent question that our subconscious asks every single day without us even realizing it: “What type of treatment am I willing to accept today?” We ask this question in our relationship, in our workplaces, in our family lives, in our friendships — we just ...

What I Learned About Self-Awareness From Victims’ Interviews and How You Can Reach More Self-Awareness in Your Life

In my in-depth research for my thesis about self-awareness, I had the privilege of sitting down with war survivors, refugees, and victims of various calamities. In all my life’s interactions, nothing could have prepared me for the profound impact of their stories. These brave souls w...

Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

Yeah, It’s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1–10, it would be 7. One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is self-discipline. It is an absolute trait to incul...

Living Abroad Gave Me a New Perspective and Made Me Self-Reliant

Have you ever had a midlife crisis? Mine happened at the age of 30. I sold everything — my house, car, and most of my belongings — and moved to Europe. Thirty is a bit premature for a mid-life crisis. Normally, they happen after forty, so perhaps it was more of an escape. Life h...

Key Examples for Self-Mastery

Introduction: In the mission for self-awareness and satisfaction, one idea stands apart as a directing light: discipline. It's the craft of understanding and controlling one's considerations, feelings, and activities — an excursion that prompts better navigation, profound prosper...

How to Build Self discipline

Are you tired of setting goals and never quite reaching them? Do you struggle with procrastination, distractions, and lack of motivation? Today, we are diving deep into the art of self-discipline — the secret sauce to achieving your dreams and living a fulfilling life! But first, let&rsq...

Still Want to Achieve Big Things This Year? Great Leadership Begins with Self.

As we head into the final quarter of the calendar year it is a great opportunity to reflect. Enough time has passed this year so you can assess progress, and there is still enough time left to make a difference with the things that are important to you. Following a few sage questions from my coac...

Leadership Self-Awareness and the Danger of the Cracked Mirror

As a leadership coach and educational instructor in graduate and undergraduate business management courses, I have had to address distortions in self-awareness that have damaged the leadership capabilities of otherwise effective managers. Self-awareness is the foundation for leaders to overcome s...

Saying YES to Moving Abroad SOLO- And how to STOP Self Sabotoge

Update with where I am at abroad! I have officially landed in Ubud, Bali. And Wow! I feel like its fake- like I am in a cartoon book or a fairyland. Everything feels so magical and mystical and like… I am in the RIGHT PLACE. You know that feeling? When it just feels RIGHT I haven&rsq...

Bring Your Authentic Self to Work Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

For some years now, there has been a trend towards “bring your authentic self to work!” And it’s meant with great positive intention! People are encouraged to “be yourself” at work. We are encouraged to “show up as your whole self.” And, with apolog...

Self-image and external image of the organisation

Organisations often have a positive image of themselves. Only rarely is this self-image reflected in the external view of the organisation. However, other views are quickly rejected as unfounded, especially by managers. Criticism is dismissed as not being substantiated. In the recruiting field, t...

House: Finding Self In My First Space

“We may act sophisticated and worldly, but I believe we feel safest when we go inside ourselves and find home, a place where we belong and maybe the only place we really do.” — Letter to My Daughter by Maya Angelou House: A place to make strangers friends. My first home away ...

The Constructed Self: Queer Male Identity in Contemporary Art Practice

The multifaceted discourse of queer male identity finds itself aptly situated at the crossroads of artistic intervention and critical theory. These intersections aren’t merely representative but are rather dialogic processes, catalysing an understanding of a subject that is inherently decenter...

Art is Healing, Start Your Journey in Self-Discovery & Wellness

Art has been a beautiful way for people to communicate and express themselves for as long as we can remember. But did you know that art also has the incredible power to heal, transform, and help us discover ourselves? That’s where art therapy comes in! Art therapy combines psychology and c...

One Thousand Ways of Self-Expression

In the tapestry of life, art has always been the vibrant thread that weaves together my existence. From my earliest memories, I found solace and inspiration in painting and drawing, a passion that has guided me throughout my journey. As the youngest of eight siblings, challenges were a part of my...

That Time I Drew a Self-Portrait Every Day (And All the Evidence to Support it)

Sometimes my autistic mind latches on to ideas and won’t let go. In 2009, that idea was to make a self-portrait every day. It was a pretty rough period of my life. My mother had terminal cancer. I moved to another city three hours away to pursue school to become a doctor (you can guess how ...

How to Take Dynamic Self-portraits at Home, Using an iPhone

Asa (strange but explicable) hobby, I’ve been taking selfies over the past few weeks. This hobby began in September, when I encountered a spot of interesting lighting in the hallway bathroom at my parents’ house. It was late afternoon, and the sun was shining through a small window and b...

Van Gogh’s 10 Self-Portraits: Insights into the Artist’s Soul

Van Gogh’s self-portraits offer captivating glimpses into the artist’s turbulent life and passionate journey. Through raw emotion and introspection, these works reflect his inner struggles and artistic evolution. They resonate with the universal human need for self-expression and s...

My Simple Travel Self-Experiment and What It Revealed About Me

Last April, I went on my first solo trip and decided to do a self-experiment. I brought a disposable film camera, the Fujifilm Simple Ace, and asked myself: Knowing I only had 27 shots, what would I capture? What things, places, or scenes would I strongly want to hold in my hand? And what wo...


Dear Janey, you are probably sitting listening to a Donny Osmond LP on your big record player and dreaming of becoming a Mormon, flying off to Utah and marrying the toothy singer…it won’t happen, stop crying and dreaming of Salt lake City and swoony Osmond kisses, he marries his teenage...

For Your Self-Worth & Image, Style for Success

Inspired, I think, by our Special Sydney Event, on this week, I watched “Next in Fashion”, now “Making the Cut”. Apart from the amazing creativity of the Designers, it has been amazing to witness their personal growth. Facing deadlines, putting their vision to the test, then ...

My Simple Travel Self-Experiment and What It Revealed About Me

Last April, I went on my first solo trip and decided to do a self-experiment. I brought a disposable film camera, the Fujifilm Simple Ace, and asked myself: Knowing I only had 27 shots, what would I capture? What things, places, or scenes would I strongly want to hold in my hand? And what wo...

Nancy’s 2022 Top 5 Modes of Self-Regulation

A few years ago I read “How to Do Nothing,” by Jenny Odell. It’s about resisting the attention economy, which is a struggle for me. I wish that it wasn’t. I trend toward the compulsive side when it comes to technology and social media. Sometimes I turn on my phone and swipe t...

Humanity’s Collective Shortsightedness Will Result in Our Self Destruction

My aunt has been a tree hugger her entire life. As a 50-year member of GreenPeace, she used to send me t-shirts, stickers, pencils, etc. with conservation slogans. One of my favorite shirts was a simple white shirt with a silk screened wolf sitting on a rocky outlook. The tag beneath the wolf sai...

The Homesteaders Handbook Review: Embrace Self-Reliance and Sustainable Living

1. Introduction: In today’s world, where the cost of living continues to rise and uncertainty looms, many individuals are seeking alternatives to achieve self-reliance and sustainable living. The Homesteaders Handbook, available at homesteadingbook.com, is a comprehensive guide cr...

How Self-Help Is Not Helping

Self-help implies that you are the problem. And I guess you are the problem, quite literally. ‘You’, your sense of self, your desire to be your ‘best’ self—this is the root of suffering. Attachment to self. Craving for a better self. It’s the mother of a...

Scientists: How The Illusion Of Self Is Formed

When a young person comes to me and tells me all about their ambitions for their life, which include of course becoming successful, making a lot of money and finally living in the house of their dreams with the one they love, I remind them, “The house of your dreams has a lot of toilets.&rdquo...

Understanding Heart Sutra: Liberating Self From Suffering

A cop caught a woman red-handed with cocaine in the bathroom of a nightclub. Pleading not guilty, the woman swears by God, “They aren’t mine — I found them lying here, and I even tried to flush them down the toilet. However, every time I flush the bloody drugs down the drai...

Become your true self

I will give them to Jesus, as He is their shepherd (if they have truly asked Him to be.) Lu, you are no one’s savior. Always know that He has their best interest in mind… Through him, and only by Him. He is in charge. Release them and pray for them, then walk your own path. ...


God has honored human beings with the highest position on Earth. They have been bestowed all those noble faculties of intellect, thought, and knowledge that no other creature has been blessed with. Allah says in the Quran, “Indeed, We created humans in the best form” (95:4), and&nbs...

Review: The Evolving Self, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Last year in the doldrums of my first semester of law school, I began to understand why law school is hard. Time. No concept is so difficult that, without sufficient time, anybody cannot make heads or tails of the ideas behind the law, or at least how the law works. Once I understood that rule of...

Self-Identification is the Future of Autism Assessment

They know the standard evaluation of Autism is sexist, with assessors excluding women for reasons like wearing makeup, having a boyfriend, being superficially polite, or not being fixated on suitably ‘masculine’ topics like ancient Roman history or barometric pressure. They know ...

Self Diagnosis and TikTok

Tiktok, and the internet in general, was actually instrumental in my diagnosis of both ADHD and PCOS. For ADHD in particular, I kept seeing videos about people who had ADHD, particularly women, and I kept thinking “hey that’s like me”. I had no idea things I thought were just my qu...

“Bringing Your Whole Self to Work”: An Imperative for Today’s Workplace?

At the heart of our company, Simple Technology Solutions (STS), lies the principle of being ‘People Centric.’ Our strength is our people, and the value they provide for our customers. When our customers appreciate our workforce, our narrative, and our service, we flourish. If not, we nee...

Self-Identification is the Future of Autism Assessment

They know the standard evaluation of Autism is sexist, with assessors excluding women for reasons like wearing makeup, having a boyfriend, being superficially polite, or not being fixated on suitably ‘masculine’ topics like ancient Roman history or barometric pressure. They know ...

Self-Love Is Easier than I Thought

My good friend  Morgan W.  responded to a photograph I posted to social media recently. She called me beautiful, and I had to stifle the desire to correct her. Instead, I thanked Morgan and told her I could use compliments like hers due to my lack of self-confidence. The...

Do We Still Have A Dream?

The most important lines in Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech... “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day out in the red hills o...

Self-Love Is Easier than I Thought

My good friend  Morgan W.  responded to a photograph I posted to social media recently. She called me beautiful, and I had to stifle the desire to correct her. Instead, I thanked Morgan and told her I could use compliments like hers due to my lack of self-confidence. The...

Fostering Confidence: 5 Effective Approaches for Women to Cultivate Self-Assurance

The development of self-confidence is a pivotal journey for women, providing them with the tools to navigate life’s challenges and embrace their unique strengths. Here are five impactful strategies to help women build and augment their self-confidence. Harness the Power of Positive Declarat...

Astrology, Jan 17, 2024. Self-Unfolding

These last minutes of Pluto in Capricorn are draining at times. I get a little sad when people do a thumbs down on the podcasts I take ages recording. Why not just move on? I know, I know, don’t take it personally but I am human. Do me a favor and give the video a thumbs up. I am actually prou...

Unraveling the Mysteries of Dreams After a Reiki Session: A Journey to Inner Self and Detoxification

Throughout the ages, humans have been intrigued by the enigmatic world of dreams. These subconscious visions often hold profound insights into our deepest desires, fears, and emotions. Dreams can become even more vivid and meaningful after a Reiki session, a holistic healing practice that channels u...

Unleashing Your Fortune: The Transformative Power of Mindful Self-Care for a Prosperous 2024

As we step into a new year, it’s only natural to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. I was looking back on 2023, while thinking about what kind of year I want to have this year. I keep saying that 2023 was a very “fortunate” year for me. The money was ok, my h...

A Simple Self-Reiki Checklist

In Reiki and in life, it’s best to keep things simple and minimal. Many get caught up in the spiritual materialism of Reiki and yoga. You don’t need 12 candles, 25 crystals, incense burning, etc., in order to do a self-Reiki session. It doesn’t need to be a long, drawn-out sessi...

I, A Supreme Court Justice, Explain My Preference For Aisle Seats, Chocolate Milk, And Legacy

Hello there, Citizen, with self-inflicted head-scratching wound. Desist thy scratching! I, a Supreme Court Justice who sided with the majority in the Affirmative Action decision, am here to explain the things that confound you: why I prefer aisle seats, why I eat cereal with chocolate milk, and oh y...

What the terrifying Mercedes-Benz Hack means for the future of AI & Self-Driving Cars

Mercedes-Benz recently suffered a data breach that exposed internal source code and other proprietary information after an employee authentication token was accidentally left in a public GitHub repository. The breach was discovered in 2024 by researchers at cybersecurity firm RedHunt Labs during ...

How Tesla is using AI and Big Data Analytics in their Self Driving Cars?

Tesla is a company that has always been at the forefront of innovation, and its use of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics in its self-driving cars is no exception. By leveraging these powerful technologies, Tesla is able to create a safer, more efficient, and more convenient driving...

Create a Self-Driving Robot — Part One

This article is the first in a series where we will learn to make an autonomous, self-driving robot with no prior programming experience using a visual programming language called XOD. You can buy the robot on Amazon and have everything required to make your own robot for about $35. We will ...

The high cost of “self-funded” Democrats

It costs a lot to win a US election — even if it’s just a race for (formerly) low-stakes offices that have emerged as culture-war battlegrounds (like school and election boards). In the 12 years since Citizens United, the dark money firehose has turned many races into plut...

Gov. Reynolds & 24 Republican Governors Joint Statement Supporting State of Texas’ Constitutional Right to Self-Defense

In a political landscape marked by turbulence and shifting ideologies, the recent joint statement by Governor Reynolds and 24 other Republican Governors has sparked significant debate and discussion. This critical document voices strong support for the State of Texas’ Constitutional Right to S...

Self-Care, Essential to the Flare

If you want to be a tight ran ship, then take my number 1 lesson: LOVE YOURSELF 1st. Then, you teach, as a leader, through example for others to love themselves, too. Get fit, eat healthy, live a clean lifestyle (I’m working on my last vice, cigs). And, be the GREATEST, so you prove t...


I am so mad I had to write this, the world’s most self-evident take: but here is the article you can send to people when they say “but the environmental issues with cryptoart will be solved soon, right?” I suppose, first, if you haven’t seen those “environmental issu...

Title: “Navigating the Challenges: Self-Medicating Mental Health”

The Role of Self-Care: Self-care practices can contribute positively to mental well-being, encompassing activities like exercise, proper sleep, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle choices. These practices, when integrated into daily life, can provide a foundation for mental health support. However...

Self-Diagnosis for Dummies

Nobody really knows what goes on in there, even though doctors charge a lot of money to make you think they do. Things go wrong. We get sick. We contract diseases. Freak accidents happen all the time. Sometimes you cough so hard that your spleen explodes and cracks a rib, which punctures...

The Apocalypse and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Prophecies are central to most myths and religious narratives, but these days we don’t take them very seriously. This is probably because so many prophecies fail to materialise — but this then begs another question: why, when so many prophecies fail, do some people continue to believe in...

Building Confidence and Self-Concept

  There’s a quote that is frequently floated around, although it was more of an off-the-cuff remark in an opinion piece than an actual evidence-based statistic. Regardless of its validity, it is relatable and powerful because it highlights a common struggle amongst neurodi...

Design Your Self Growth — Part One

I discovered the enduring spirit of the Amazigh, or Berbers, whose deep bond with their land and traditions inspired me. The stories of figures like Queen Dihya, who valiantly resisted Arab conquest, taught me about resilience and courage. Meanwhile, the Arab world, particularly during its Golden Ag...


There is, perhaps for everyone, a point in time when you start reassessing your life choices. The internal monologue may be benign at first, as you try to find the next best thing to pursue — however, nobody can guarantee it will stay that way. These thoughts can spiral out of control and the ...


In today's world, the pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty can be overwhelming. Social media, advertising, and other forms of media constantly bombard us with images of what "perfection" looks like. However, it's important to remember that beauty comes in all s...

New Year, New You — Becoming Your Best Self

Starting with the basics, one of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success in the new year is to take good care of your skin. This means following a regular skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, and moisturizing every morning and night. You may also want to cons...