A Simple Self-Reiki Checklist

<h1><strong>In Reiki and in life, it&rsquo;s best to keep things simple and minimal.</strong></h1> <p>Many get caught up in the spiritual materialism of Reiki and yoga. You don&rsquo;t need 12 candles, 25 crystals, incense burning, etc., in order to do a self-Reiki session. It doesn&rsquo;t need to be a long, drawn-out session &mdash; unless you feel so moved to do so.</p> <h1>Do Reiki As You Watch TV</h1> <p>When I started on my Reiki journey nine years ago, my teachers told me to do self-Reiki when I was sitting on the couch watching TV! Why not? You&rsquo;re merely acting as a channel for an intelligent energy to come to you. You don&rsquo;t have to DO anything, you merely hold space for the Reiki after you ask for It to come. (If you watch TV daily as though it&rsquo;s a ritual, this can work for you).</p> <p><a href="https://writerheather.medium.com/a-simple-self-reiki-checklist-3c0cce0e55d1"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Self Reiki