I’m Building a Habit of Quiet Self-Compassion And It’s Changing My Life

<p>The realisation that I was my own worst enemy happened on the most ordinary of days.</p> <p>I turned out of work and began my 50-minute commute home.</p> <p>Before that, I&rsquo;d never really questioned the voice in my head. It seems weird to even mention it out loud.&nbsp;<em>I hope you&rsquo;ren&rsquo;t thinking I&rsquo;ve lost it. We all talk to ourselves&hellip; don&rsquo;t we?!&nbsp;</em>That voice in my head I&rsquo;d always assumed wanted the best for me. I&rsquo;d consulted it on a daily basis. It was my co-pilot.</p> <p>But for the first time, in well, ever, I looked at it a little differently. As it told me all the things I did wrong that day, how I looked stupid in that meeting, and how I probably was doomed in my career (and life) I stopped for a second.</p> <p>And ask a question that would change things for me: does this voice serve me?</p> <h1>Everything is happening in your head</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ll be honest, I always thought self-talk was a load of nonsense.</p> <p>I thought self-kindness and being on your own side was what people said just to say something. If anyone said &lsquo;be kind to yourself&rsquo; I would cringe. I&rsquo;d nod and walk away thinking, jeez, remind me not to talk to them again.</p> <p>I was judgemental.</p> <p>I thought it was a load of nonsense. I was wrong. That internal voice, that one that chimes in any time anything happens, any time you&rsquo;re thinking about what&rsquo;s going on in the world and your next move, changing that voice has changed my life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mind-cafe/im-building-a-habit-of-quiet-self-compassion-and-it-s-changing-my-life-900b4de5803f"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>