People With High Self-Worth Reject These 5 Behaviors

<p>T<strong>here&rsquo;s a silent question that our subconscious asks every single day without us even realizing it:</strong></p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;What type of treatment am I willing to accept today?&rdquo;</p> </blockquote> <p>We ask this question in our relationship, in our workplaces, in our family lives, in our friendships &mdash; we just don&rsquo;t often phrase it so clearly.</p> <p>The answer, however, is reflected in our decisions and it is&nbsp;<em>decided by</em>&nbsp;our level of self-worth.</p> <p>Think of it this way:</p> <p>Your self-worth is a little guy or gal sitting in front of two buttons &mdash;&nbsp;<em>accept, or reject.</em></p> <p>Every time someone treats you a certain way, your self-worth decides which button to push. Do we&nbsp;<em>accept</em>&nbsp;this treatment, or&nbsp;<em>reject</em>&nbsp;it?</p> <p>Weaker or lower self-worth will press&nbsp;<em>accept&nbsp;</em>more often than not because it doesn&rsquo;t hold very high standards for itself. It just lets whomever, and whatever, through the doors.</p> <p>The&nbsp;<em>stronger</em>&nbsp;that self-worth gets, the higher its standards are for the treatment it&nbsp;<em>accepts.</em></p> <p>Let&rsquo;s explore five behaviors that strong self-worth will&nbsp;<em>reject</em>&nbsp;every time:</p> <h1>1: Being manipulated.</h1> <p>Manipulation happens in all areas of life. It can happen at home,&nbsp;<em>and/or</em>&nbsp;at work. Having high self-worth isn&rsquo;t about whether or not you&nbsp;<em>recognize</em>&nbsp;behaviors like manipulation, it&rsquo;s about whether or not you&nbsp;<em>accept</em>&nbsp;them being thrust upon you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Self Worth