7 Signs You Care Too Much About People’s Opinions of You

<p>Do you care about other people&rsquo;s opinions of you?</p> <p>I used to care about those opinions. Caring about that messed me up. I started doubting myself. I began overanalyzing everything, including my behavior and all the conversations I had with others.</p> <p>That was definitely time-consuming and a waste of my time. I&rsquo;m so thankful God helped me overcome this issue. He&rsquo;s helped me realize that I need to focus on what He thinks about me and my actions &mdash; not what others think about me.</p> <p>There is a fine line between navigating how you are affected or not affected by the opinions of others.</p> <p>Here are 7 Signs that you care too much about the opinions of others.</p> <h2><strong>1. Constant Self-Doubt</strong></h2> <p>If you find yourself constantly questioning your actions and decisions because you&rsquo;re worried about what others will think, it may be a sign you care too much about their opinions. I experienced this constant self-doubt.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-fernsby-journal/7-signs-you-care-too-much-about-peoples-opinions-of-you-c41a55232810">Visit Now</a></p>