The 4th Room

<p>There is space within all of us to be great.</p> <p>What happens though, along the way, is that we get lost in the easy stuff. The stuff that steals your attention because it shines. The stuff that holds empty promises but even though we know that, we fall down the rabbit hole anyway.</p> <p>You know the stuff I&rsquo;m talking about. All the stuff that exists outside of us. Trinkets, tablets and treasures that are a constant, aching disappointment. Yet they fool us every time.</p> <h1>The obviousness of life</h1> <p>Life is simple:</p> <ul> <li>You eat your veggies you get healthier.</li> <li>You read for an hour, you get smarter.</li> <li>You type for an hour, you get better.</li> </ul> <p>I don&rsquo;t think it&rsquo;s rocket science but the aching desperation within us, the fear that we might mess it up, and gulp, fail leads us to inevitable complications.</p> <p>Maybe simplicity is scary. Maybe we hide in confusion.</p> <p>So we come up with formulas, cheatsheets, hacks, and ways around the system. The sadness of it all is, those that who go on this endless chase end up 8 years down and facing the crushing reality:</p> <p>The only way is through.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
Tags: Room Self