Nancy’s 2022 Top 5 Modes of Self-Regulation

<p>A few years ago I read &ldquo;How to Do Nothing,&rdquo; by Jenny Odell. It&rsquo;s about resisting the attention economy, which is a struggle for me. I wish that it wasn&rsquo;t. I trend toward the compulsive side when it comes to technology and social media. Sometimes I turn on my phone and swipe through to an app like Instagram without even knowing that I&rsquo;m doing it. I&rsquo;m in the app before I&rsquo;m consciously&nbsp;<em>in the app</em>. I cycle through seasons of removing all &mdash; the-things! all-the-socials! from my phone in a rather pathetic attempt to regulate myself and soon enough I&rsquo;m reinstalling them one by one, only to remove them again three months later. I&rsquo;m sort of over it. Which is to say I&rsquo;m over myself, I guess! Maybe this will be the year I delete them all for good.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modes Self