Humanity’s Collective Shortsightedness Will Result in Our Self Destruction

<p>My aunt has been a tree hugger her entire life. As a 50-year member of GreenPeace, she used to send me t-shirts, stickers, pencils, etc. with conservation slogans.</p> <p>One of my favorite shirts was a simple white shirt with a silk screened wolf sitting on a rocky outlook. The tag beneath the wolf said, &ldquo;Gaining ground&rdquo;.</p> <p>It was a quasi-brag about the increasing populations of wolves and the pilot programs during the 90&rsquo;s that reintroduced some wolves to wild areas.</p> <p>Unfortunately, that shirt is now a sad reminder that most of humanity just can&rsquo;t see past the end of its nose.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>