Where Does Self Hate Come From?

<p>That may seem harsh and difficult to understand. If you know me personally, it may be hard to accept. &ldquo;<em>Not Bret, he&rsquo;s always smiling</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p>Hating myself doesn&rsquo;t mean I never smile or I can&rsquo;t enjoy the world around me. I can and I do. But still, this feeling is always there, just under the surface.</p> <p>I think I&rsquo;ve gotten pretty good at hiding it.</p> <p>Self-hate is directly related to low moods, depression, and anxiety. I have suffered those negative feelings for years. I have difficulty recognizing success, and I focus instead on my failures.</p> <p>Hating myself is a constant internal reminder that I&rsquo;m not good enough, that I am not deserving.</p> <p>Too many of my conversations begin with &ldquo;<em>I&rsquo;m sorry</em>.&rdquo; I am asking forgiveness before I even begin. No matter how diligent I may be at home or at work, in my mind, it&rsquo;s never going to be good enough.</p> <p>While waiting to be served in a restaurant, if my order is late or it&rsquo;s wrong, I don&rsquo;t react. I would never say, &ldquo;<em>I didn&rsquo;t order a baked potato, I ordered fries.</em>&rdquo; I just smile and say nothing at all.</p> <p>Friends view my behavior and insist that I&rsquo;m too nice.</p> <p>But I&rsquo;m not trying to be nice, I&rsquo;m avoiding conflict. I don&rsquo;t want to bring negative attention. Actually, I don&rsquo;t want any attention. I also feel guilty about how the other person (<em>my friend, my boss, the waitress</em>) will feel knowing that I disagree. I don&rsquo;t deserve to be heard. My opinion isn&rsquo;t very important&hellip;<strong>I&rsquo;ll just stick with the baked potato</strong>.</p> <p>On the other side of this avoidance, and the feeling that my needs are unimportant, is the anger that exists inside me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/where-does-self-hate-come-from-a70d7f30a163">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Hate Self