For Your Self-Worth & Image, Style for Success

<p>Inspired, I think, by our Special Sydney Event, on this week, I watched &ldquo;Next in Fashion&rdquo;, now &ldquo;Making the Cut&rdquo;. Apart from the amazing creativity of the Designers, it has been amazing to witness their personal growth. Facing deadlines, putting their vision to the test, then facing the possibility of elimination, fear and uncertainty become obstacles they must overcome. It became obvious to me, watching, that self-doubt is a huge Saboteur. Another observation I made, was their choice to use Models in all shapes and sizes, now that is what I call progress, awesome!</p> <p>Now, when it comes to our Self-Worth and Image, they are very much linked and can have a detrimental effect on women. That is why, amazing&nbsp;<strong>Stylist Kerry Billet</strong>&nbsp;and I came together to Collaborate on this Special Event. Kerry does Designer Vintage Fashion, on her mission to reduce landfill. I, on the other hand, created my legacy online program including exercises and tips to&nbsp;<strong>Silence Your Inner Critic, Boost Your Confidence, Love your Unique Image and Style for Success.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Self Worth