A Thousand Lives

<p>Melancholy rivers<br /> run through this body<br /> of lingering sorrow<br /> and a yearning<br /> for lost stories<br /> forgotten by time &mdash;<br /> <em>in another life,<br /> I could live<br /> a thousand lives.</em></p> <p>A hundred birds in one,<br /> a hundred letters<br /> of burning passion<br /> that has never died,<br /> a hundred different<br /> psalms that bring me comfort<br /> in the dead of night.</p> <p>A hundred stories<br /> of triumph against the odds,<br /> a hundred flights of stairs<br /> closer to heaven<br /> than where I am now.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/loose-words/a-thousand-lives-b04e1179428e">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Lives Self