Let me celebrate you

<p>I appreciate how kindhearted and robust you are lately &mdash; even when you&rsquo;re at your lowest. You can celebrate it today &mdash; celebrating your existence, celebrating your small wins, celebrating your spark&rsquo;s feelings, celebrating whatever it is. Although it was just a little win for others, I&lsquo;m sure that was so hard for you and you had so many struggles in it &mdash; and because of it, you deserve to celebrate whatever small the moment was.</p> <p>When you get used to thinking about what is better for yourself and others, or when you&rsquo;re willing to wait for your happiness once again, that&rsquo;s the moment you grow, the moment your sincerity gets deeper. Appreciate every moment of you, every side of you, every happiness that you crave, every sadness that you frequently get, because it&rsquo;ll bring you something someday when you&rsquo;re willing to learn from it all.</p> <p>I wanna say something for you, perhaps you forgot or even never said it to yourself. Thank you for making it through, and thank you for always believing someday will get better. Thank you and I appreciate your existence.</p> <p>Even if today you have to let go of something, eventually you will understand that holding on to what is not meant for you will make your path more complicated. You put so much time into learning about the &lsquo;perfect time&rsquo;, it&rsquo;s like a game &mdash; it&rsquo;s not completely predictable but you can still learn it anyway.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@nasyasalsabila/celebrating-your-day-ccd0eddd019">Visit Now</a></p>