Self-Discipline Tips That Have Helped Me in 2023

<p>Yeah, It&rsquo;s the half of 2023 already and I am super excited for what the other half brings. If I could rate this half from 1&ndash;10, it would be 7.</p> <p>One of the things I have learned for a long time now and practiced so well this year is&nbsp;<strong>self-discipline</strong>. It is an absolute trait to inculcate into our lives. What&rsquo;s a person without&nbsp;<strong>self-discipline</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>having boundaries</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>goals</strong>, and&nbsp;<strong>working hard</strong>&nbsp;into achieving them?</p> <p>To build up these characters, one needs to be consistent and motivated which is the hard part.&nbsp;<em>Yeah</em>.</p> <p>Earlier this month I challenged myself to a workout routine for the whole month and I did it! We all know how staying consistent with a particular task is hard right??? I will tell you how.</p> <p>We often feel unmotivated because we haven&rsquo;t generated momentum. You are not lazy, you are just momentarily stuck in a loop and your brain likes to stay in the comfort of that loop.</p> <h2>Set a Low Baseline</h2> <p>Set a goal to do at least 5 minutes of that goal every day, like exercising, studying, reading, and cleaning. Just 5 minutes. Make it 2 minutes if 5 feels like too much and you will see progress.</p> <p>By setting a low baseline, you make your goals more attainable and you generate momentum. Before you know it, 5 minutes turn into an hour of productive work. It&rsquo;s not about motivation, it&rsquo;s about momentum.</p> <p>&ldquo;<em>Discipline equals freedom&rdquo; and &ldquo;Discipline begins where motivation ends.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>