Living Abroad Gave Me a New Perspective and Made Me Self-Reliant

<p>Have you ever had a midlife crisis?</p> <p>Mine happened at the age of 30. I sold everything &mdash; my house, car, and most of my belongings &mdash; and moved to Europe.</p> <p>Thirty is a bit premature for a mid-life crisis. Normally, they happen after forty, so perhaps it was more of an escape.</p> <p>Life had become mundane and unfulfilling. I felt miserable on all fronts &mdash; my job, my relationship status (single and lonely), and my self-destructive pattern of drinking every weekend.</p> <p>Drinking was my only way of escaping and it wasn&rsquo;t healthy.</p> <p>The weekend world of intoxication was much more exciting than the drab weekdays. With alcohol, I felt free and brave, not trapped and frightened.</p> <h2>Let&rsquo;s party</h2> <p>The colorful lights bounced off the walls of the clubs, the rhythm of the music beat with my heart and the hint of sex hung thick in the air. The nights were always full of possibilities where anything could happen.</p> <p>I felt so sexy and alive on the dance floor. I didn&rsquo;t want the feeling to end so I kept consuming the magic potion that made me feel happy&hellip; until the illusion disappeared with the darkness and I woke up the next morning.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Self Reliant