The Constructed Self: Queer Male Identity in Contemporary Art Practice

<p>The multifaceted discourse of queer male identity finds itself aptly situated at the crossroads of artistic intervention and critical theory. These intersections aren&rsquo;t merely representative but are rather dialogic processes, catalysing an understanding of a subject that is inherently decentered. This article seeks to negotiate the contours of this subjectivity, pivoting on artworks that function as incarnations of emotional states, psychological experiences, and societal paradigms.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*0O2Fup5vpw3MMNCYZu2LQg.jpeg" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Narcissus Boarding, 2023. Joel Mackenzie</p> <p><strong>Resisting the Gaze: Subversions of Scopophilia in Cinematic Isolation</strong></p> <p>In this evocative series, the artist&rsquo;s mastery of cinematic scenography comes to the fore. Utilising stark minimal residential interiors as backdrops, the compositions translate the artist&rsquo;s boarding school experiences into visual language. Within these sterile environments, young males are positioned in solitude, donned in quasi-school uniforms &ndash; blazers, shirts, ties, and shorts. These choices amplify a sense of existence without passion, of life lived but not felt.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>