Tag: Design

Top 3 System Design Interview Cheat Sheets for Developers

Hello guys, if you have been preparing for Software Developer or Software Engineer interviews then you may know how important they are but you may not know that System design also plays a crucial role in building robust and scalable software applications. It involves making critical decisions reg...

Mastering Design Principles for Machine Learning

Software design principles are general guides for developing clean, readable and maintainable code. Design principles are important because they provide best practices that help ensure that code can be easily understood, reused, scaled and tested. Writing code without incorporating at least some of ...

5 things that’s h(AI)ppening in design

Hello world, after 4 years (Published an article last in 2019)! I have been a UX designer since 2016. I have been at 3 jobs since, published papers and a ton of articles, shared my design knowledge through YouTube & Medium, and spoke and attended design conferences. But, I stopped all this wh...

Hotel Booking App — Design

Hotel booking applications allow customers to book hotel online. People can get good discounts because of high competition in the market. Some apps provide the feature of booking the hotel with no cost and pay during check-out while some charge cancellation fee depending on the time of cancellation....

10 ways you can improve your design and accessibility practices

Most home pages suck when it comes to accessibility. More eloquently: “96.3% of [the million] home pages [tested] had detected WCAG 2 failures according to WebAIM’s 2023 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages. What’s the cause? Ignorance? Cost to make it h...

Navigating Java Developer Interviews: Core Concepts, Spring Insights, Design Patterns, Coding

These days, the typical Java developer interview commences with a fundamental exploration of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Core Java concepts. Gradually, the interview process delves into more advanced areas such as frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot, microservices, and best practic...

Algorithms you need to know before you take that Systems Design Interview

While scouring my LinkedIn feed for non-cringe posts, I came across this infographic that talks about different algorithms and their use-cases. Like the title suggests, I figured I should know what these algos are and where/how they are used. I haven’t really had a systems design interview bef...

How to Implement Domain-Driven Design Common Mistakes You Should Avoid

In today’s chapter of my Domain-Driven Design journey, I want to dive into how we structure our code. This topic holds a special place for me. You see, when code grows, it can easily become a jumbled mess, making it hard to read, tricky to manage, and tough for anyone to get their head around....

10 ways you can improve your design and accessibility practices.

Most home pages suck when it comes to accessibility. More eloquently: “96.3% of [the million] home pages [tested] had detected WCAG 2 failures according to WebAIM’s 2023 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages. What’s the cause? Ignorance? Cost to make it h...

Android UI Design: Limitations of Views

A User Interface (UI) is the point of interaction between a user and a system. It encompasses the visual elements used to reflect and/or control the state of the system. This “state” refers to the condition of the system at a specific moment. Since the inception of Android development...

Mobile System Design Exercise: Designing a Payment System

A payment system is a mechanism or infrastructure that facilitates the transfer of funds between individuals, businesses, or entities. It allows the exchange of monetary value in exchange for goods, services, or obligations. Payment systems can take various forms, including traditional methods su...

Mobile System Design Exercise: File Downloader Library

Understanding the use case and business requirements is essential for designing a file downloader library that meets the specific needs of the application or system. Here are a few questions to help clarify the use case and gather business requirements: What is the primary purpose of the file ...

Container Component | Design Patterns in React

In React, container components, also known as smart components, are a pattern used to separate concerns and manage the state and logic of a component. They serve as intermediaries between the data and the presentational components, often handling data fetching, state management, and passing dat...

What to say when negotiating a product design salary

When a company extends an offer, they expect a negotiation. If you do this well, you can receive a lot more money than the original offer. Here are some things to say to make the most of this process. I’ve been asked by almost every company at the beginning of discussions what my “sal...

Instagram System Design

If you are on social media, then there is a high probability that you have used instagram at-least once in your life. Have you ever wondered how the app works so flawlessly and if you have to build a similar app how will you proceed? In this article we will be covering how we can design an app simil...

3 Ways Design Thinking Failed Us

  Davin Granroth , my manager in 2012, first introduced me to Design Thinking through the lens of the double diamond — a model that immediately intrigued me. It laid out a process of diverging and converging, of exploring and refining. Eager to delve deeper, I turned to “...

Graphic Design for Software Engineers and Architects

If you work in software engineering or within technology, you might have seen a diagram that looks like this: You might be the author of such a diagram and see nothing wrong. It’s all there — the services, arrows, some protocol information, etc. You understand it well because you ...

Mastering Composite Design Pattern

When building complex software applications, we often encounter the need to handle hierarchies of interconnected objects. This is where the Composite pattern comes into play. Supose this pattern as a way to organize individual objects and groups of objects into a tree-like structure, which simplifie...

What Means Domain in the Context of Domain-Driven Design?

Over a decade ago, I embarked on a journey into the exciting world of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). In the past, I even had the opportunity to write a column about it for VSOne magazine. I shared my hands-on experiences and insights into developing complex business applications with C# .NET. Today, I ...

Discovering Design Patterns and Embracing Knowledge

On any given Wednesday, as a software developer in a in a Small Argentine Town, I woke up late. It’s not a habit, but I wanted to finish reading an e-book called “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon that I started last night; I highly recommend that you read it. It was 8:15...

I asked this system design question to 3 guys during a developer interview and none of them gave…

A Common system design question. The Question Weeks ago, a candidate came in and we started the interview (senior dev, 3rd round) process. Since he has internet company working experience, a famous ecoms company. The first question I asked him “what do you do in your team? tell me the...

My Junior developer told me: OO Design patterns are too complicated and useless

I learned a lot from our conversation. The conversation Weeks ago, lunchtime. My junior told me: “I think OO programming does not make sense, It is always over complicated things.” “Why do you think so?” I asked. Dude: “You see it always needs to create a...

Singleton Design Pattern In Plain English — With Real-Life Example

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern in object-oriented programming that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. What the hell does this mean? After reading multiple articles and watching some videos, I understand it enough to explain this concept better. The Singleton pa...

Building a TreeTable Using Ant Design System

A Table, also called a data grid, is an arrangement of data in rows and columns or possibly in a more complex structure. It is an essential building block of a user interface. A TreeTable is an extension of a Table that supports a tree-like hierarchy, typically in the first column. As a Tree...

Why You Should Give a Damn About Software Design

There are 2 things that make software engineering suck. Bad team culture, and technical debt due to poor design. I couldn’t tell you how many personal projects I’ve abandoned due to not understanding my code and how frustrating it is working with a massive cluster of WET code all over th...

How do authors use A-name DPs to convey character traits and plot elements in literature?

Authors wield an arsenal of literary techniques to craft compelling characters and intricate plotlines in literature. Among these, A-name DPs, or avatars, emerge as a nuanced tool for conveying character traits and advancing plot elements. These seemingly static A images transcend their visual natur...

Mastering Flexbox in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Responsive Web Design

Flexbox simplifies web design. It allows you to organize, align, and distribute space among items in a container, even if their sizes are dynamic or unknown. It’s an essential tool that makes creating responsive and cohesive designs easier. Kickstarting with Flexbox To harness the power ...

Building Obsidian, Tinder’s Design System

When Tinder first launched in 2012, it pioneered a brand new user experience: the Swipe Right® and “Swipe Left”™ features. The app’s simplicity was a big part of what made it so appealing. An early version of Tinder We’ve emphasized building new features a...

Digital accessibility in writing and design

According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people worldwide and 26% of the US population live with some form of disability. But accessibility in web design isn’t only important for people with visual, auditory, cognitive or physical impairments. Everyone benefits from it. If yo...

Responsive design

This is a deep-dive into the role of development in the design process, with a focus on responsive design. It’s aimed at design leaders/managers and developers working with design teams, and visual designers looking to become better web designers. I’ll attempt to lay out the pr...

System Design For Beginners: Part I — Getting Started

Whenever you open your favorite Taxi App, book a ride, and enjoy chatting with your friends while the taxi takes you to your destination, you interact with a complex system that operates seamlessly behind the scenes. For many of us, the systems seem almost magical, working as if by invisible hands t...

Mastering Design Principles for Machine Learning

Software design principles are general guides for developing clean, readable and maintainable code. Design principles are important because they provide best practices that help ensure that code can be easily understood, reused, scaled and tested. Writing code without incorporating at least some of ...

How to Design a Roadmap for a Machine Learning Project

What is the first thing you do when starting a new machine learning project? I’ve posed this question to a variety of ML leaders in startups and have received a few different answers. In no particular order: Try out one of our existing models to see if it works for the new task. Sta...

System Design: Netflix

Let’s design a Netflix like video streaming service, similar to services like Amazon Prime Video, Disney Plus, Hulu, Youtube, Vimeo, etc. What is Netflix? Netflix is a subscription-based streaming service that allows its members to watch TV shows and mo...

Design Distributed Ledger System

I’ve been dealing with ledgers in the past 5 years often, from managing sales records, to managing inventories. In this post, we discuss why Ledger is interesting for you to consider for your next highly reliable application. Introduction Ledger is a common concept for bookkeeping of imm...

Zero To Million Users (Part 2) : Database

Welcome back! In part 2 of “Zero To Million Users”, we’ll dive into the world of databases — the backbone of any successful application. From relational to graph databases, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each and discover when to use what. So fasten your seatbelts, ...

Kernighan and Pike were right: Do one thing, and do it well

In October 1984 two ideologues published a radical manifesto… sort of. Program Design in the UNIX Environment, by comp-sci legends Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, articulated a pattern for software architecture that both men had already spent years fighting to preserve.   Rob Pi...

What Are Problem Space and Solution Space in Domain-Driven Design?

In my previous article on DDD titled “What Means Domain in the Context of Domain-Driven Design?”, we explored the essential elements of DDD, specifically focusing on the importance of understanding domains, core and subdomains, and bounded contexts. This foundational knowledge is cr...

Write Python Apps using Layered Architecture and Design Patterns

This is a complete and practical guide with full project code about Layered Architecture. Even if the code in this is written in Python, these ideas are general programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in almost&nbsp...

Design Patterns for Microservices

A pattern is a way to design an optimized structure for microservices. There are many ways we can design and build microservices. Here is a list of key design patterns used for decomposition, integration, data management, observability, and other misc. cross cutting concerns. Decomposition Dec...

System Design Interview : Design a URL shortening service

Today, our focus will be on constructing a URL shortener akin to popular services like tinyurl.com. We will explore various algorithms, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately determine which one is best suited for this particular system. Before diving into the technical details, i...

System Design — Scaling from Zero to Millions Of Users

I have read this great book System Design Interview — An insider’s guide by Alex Xu in depth. So most of my definitions and images will be referred from this book itself as they are highly interactive and give us a clear picture of what is happening. We will be focussing fir...

Design as a catalyst to convert ambiguity to consensus

Would love anyone to read this but it would mainly be helpful for: Mid or senior-level designers who want to contribute beyond just pushing pixels Designers interested in product strategy and enjoy cross-functional collaboration Designers building 0–1 products or re-thinking fundamen...

The Most Important Rule in UX Design that Everyone Breaks

There is one principle of organization that every human should adhere to, particularly people who design products. Day after day, I see companies break this rule, and it is 100% of the time to their detriment. In this article I will explain what that rule is, and what it means to product and service...

The Art of Prompt Design: Use Clear Syntax

This is the first installment of a series on how to use guidance to control large language models (LLMs), written jointly with Marco Tulio Ribeiro. We’ll start from the basics and work our way up to more advanced topics. In this post, we’ll show that having clear s...

The Art of Prompt Design: Prompt Boundaries and Token Healing

This (written jointly with Marco Tulio Ribeiro) is part 2 of a series on the art of prompt design (part 1 here), where we talk about controlling large language models (LLMs) with guidance. In this post, we’ll discuss how the greedy tokenization methods used by langu...

System Design For Beginners: Part I — Getting Started

Whenever you open your favorite Taxi App, book a ride, and enjoy chatting with your friends while the taxi takes you to your destination, you interact with a complex system that operates seamlessly behind the scenes. For many of us, the systems seem almost magical, working as if by invisible hands t...

How Spotify’s design optimizes for sign-up conversions

One thing I’ve learned as a UX designer is that a poorly designed sign-up flow can be a real problem for a business. If you’ve worked as a “growth designer”, then you are no stranger to conversion rate optimization (CRO). “Conversion rate optimization, or CRO,...

How Writers Can Attract More Readers by Using Design Thinking Principles

I’ve written extensively about Design Thinking as a certified practitioner, led workshops for commercial clients solving complex problems at the enterprise level, taught the subject at technical colleges, and presented at industry and academic conferences since its inception. My work was ...

Curiosity–The Silent Driver of Excellence in The Best Design Teams

What do the invention of stone tools and generative AI have in common? They both originated from a simple yet powerful force: curiosity As designers and product people we know that nurturing curiosity is essential in helping us adapt to the ever-changing market. Fostering curiosity isn’t a ...

Role and Responsibilities of a Design Leader

I have managed or coached designers for several years now, and witnessed some great and bad leaders in my career. In this article, I wanted to capture precisely what I think being a great design leader means. First, what is design about? I always come back to this definition by Jared Spool:&nb...

What is ‘The Engineering design process?’

Though I might start with the title “The Engineering Design Process”, it is a design process that can be applied to any problem in any industry. When I first looked at the process back in my college days, I thought nothing more of it other than another methodology to be learnt, but now i...

How to understand your clients better in a meeting — UX Design

I’ve recently adapted to become a newbie extrovert! Because I realized in UX, one of the most crucial things is to speak your thoughts. This made daily client meetings an ultimate playground for me to practice speaking and get comfortable with it. But, maybe I spoke too much and didn’...

The Types of Design Meetings

Certain phrases, when uttered into the void of a Calendar invitation, have very specific meanings to designers. For example, if you wake a lead designer up before 8am for a Design Review, our expectation is that we’ll be leading a call where the work to date is packaged up and pre...

A recipe for a design review that everyone will love

Saying that collecting constructive feedback is the core of a product design process is stating the obvious. I am lucky to work amongst truly passionate product designers who also believe in that. Together we look for ways of collaborating and regularly exchanging feedback beyond our cross-functiona...

Is Artistic Talent and Formal Education Essential for a Web Design Career?

Over many years of working as a web designer, I was often asked by my friends whether it is necessary to have drawing skills and art education to become a web designer? In fact, they asked me so often that I even decided to write a short article about it. So here is what I’ve got to say: Ba...

Here‘s 5 Insight After Brainstorming 500++ Icon Design

What can you observe from the image above?, Yeah….it’s just a random scratch of “home” icon that I’ve just made, started sketching for the generic one then found out the absurd after that. It started after being curious about how I can find the “other” h...

Product Design Process Step 4: Sketching

Introduction 5th Tuesday of this series. Haven’t gone through the first story of this series — Click here. Product Desing is a process, so it is a verb. I would be writing a series regarding product design processes; it would be uploaded every Tuesday at 07:00 IST so make sure yo...

Fashion Design with Midjourney ( 20 Prompts & Images Included )

The world of fine art has long been a wellspring of inspiration for various creative fields, and photorealistic fashion imagery is no exception. With the advent of Midjourney V5.1, the fusion of iconic painting styles and photorealistic fashion imagery has become not just possible, but also remarkab...

Using Midjourney to Create Seamless Patterns for Fabric and Wallpaper Design (With 16 Prompts and Images)

Introduction: Seamless patterns are a fundamental aspect of design, encompassing repetitive motifs that seamlessly tile together to create a continuous and uninterrupted visual composition. These patterns hold significant value in various industries, including fabric design, wallpaper production,...

Interior Design with Midjourney ( 25 Prompts & Images Included )

Art and design have always shared a symbiotic relationship, with each influencing and inspiring the other. In a previous blog post, we delved into the fascinating intersection of fashion photography and renowned painters, using the power of Midjourney to create stunning visuals. Now, we’r...

Footwear Design with Midjourney ( 10 Prompts & Images Included )

Ina previous exploration, we delved into the fascinating intersection of renowned artists and interior & fashion design, using the power of Midjourney to create stunning visuals. Midjourney V5.1: When Renowned Artists Inspire Interior Design ( With 25 Images & Prompts ) Using Midjourne...

Designing with AI: ‘prompts’ are the new design tool

I am sure by now you have heard about AI image generators like Midjourney, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, Nightcafe etc. Irrespective of which tool you use, what’s surprising is the fact that now you can give simple text instructions to a machine and it will generate some a...

10 Contemporary Illustrations of Transforming Mundane Text into Engaging Design.

Instead of having a text as just an existing factor on your site make it a part of design — thus the text will still fulfill its main function or can even power up the message you’re sending to the users. The mighty hands of an experienced designer can build a text that will become a use...

Unlocking an Amazing Blog Illustration Design Case

The Fireart illustration team welcomes everyone to our unique Blog Illustration compilation. These amazing illustrations were made for Fireart Studio blog and other social medias using traditional tools and some mixed media. Enjoy them for ultimate design inspiration!...

Did you know about types of lines in graphic design?

The use of lines in graphic design is to communicate a message to the viewer. Lines are paths that join two points. Lines may be straight, zig-zag or curved, dotted or solid, and heavy or light. You could also give different colors to different lines. Lines are one of the basic visual elements of...

Free Design Resources — Illustrations

I want to share a few selected compilation of design tools and assets to enhance your design endeavors An illustration is as a visual representation of text, doubling as decorative or interpretive elements. Illustrations play a vital role in contemporary design, serving various func...

3 Common Ways To Use Illustrations in UI Design

A picture is worth a thousand words. Since the beginning of time, people know that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. Lascaux, France. A panel from the world-famous cave gallery painted 17,000 years ago. Image: subarcticmike A big part of our brain is devot...

When Is the Best Moment to Use an Illustration in Your Design?

Illustration plays an essential role in UI/UX design. As a designer, you don’t have to draw. However, it is crucial to know when to use illustrations for the user flow. So when is the best moment to use an illustration in my design? Let’s check it out. 1. When your user achieves...

Ultimate App Concept Design Collection

A mobile and web app design solution called Electrys reimagines the EV charging landscape by offering a comprehensive, user-centric approach that promotes green behavior. Apple’s decades-long experience in designing high-performing, portable, and wearable technology has culminated...

New Illustration Libraries, Design Systems, and UI Kits

On to our second Toolbox digest of the year, and we’ve got some exciting new tools for you. June was high on free illustration libraries, proving that this trend is here to stay. But we’ve also got amazing UI kits, incredible design system resources, and much more in the bag. Che...

Triangles in shape theory graphic design

You see triangles in popular logos and background patterns. They often pop up in posters and infographics as subtle backgrounds. But, that does not mean every brand should go for triangles. Some brands never should. Some other brands should use triangles in a particular way. They should make the tri...

Neutrals Colors vs. Bold Hues: Finding Balance in Your Design

Introduction: In the world of interior design, the choice between “Neutrals Colors vs. Bold Hues: Finding Balance in Your Design” is an enduring dilemma. Neutrals colors, characterized by subtle, muted tones, and bold hues, vibrant and attention-grabbing, each bring unique qualities t...

6 Coffee Table Books Any Art or Design Aficionado Should Own

When Virgil Abloh took his first bow for Louis Vuitton in June 2018, fashion changed forever. The newest addition to the Classics Collection, Louis Vuitton: Virgil Abloh honors the designer’s boundary-breaking creativity on and off the runways. With over 250 stunningly...

Tabletop RPGs Have a Design Debt to Pay

There are two kinds of design flaws in tabletop RPGs. First, there are the “flaws” — really, tradeoffs — that we can disagree over. These are mechanics that serve a purpose but impose costs elsewhere that may not be worth it or enjoyed by all players. Often these flaws rel...

The colors of game design

In the past 10 years working with, teaching and consulting on game design, I’ve seen, time and again, teams struggle with some basic aspect of their games’ working. Sometimes it’s a cool theme that doesn’t deliver on gameplay, or a fun core mechanic that doesn’t deve...

Diablo IV’s Cramped Camera Zoom is A Terrible Design Choice

Isometric action RPGs often use fully fixed camera perspectives, a design element dating all the way back to Diablo and other classic isometric games. The fixed perspective gives the development team exact parameters to craft every other piece of the game around. When you know what area th...

The Magic of Game Design

Games have always been a big part of our lives. In the past, we played simple games with things like sticks and stones. Now, we have games that feel like whole other worlds. As a game designer, I see our job as building these worlds. We craft the rules, shape the stories, and envision the experience...

Diablo 4’s Beta Shows the Horror of Modern AAA Design

It’s been a rough couple of years for Blizzard Entertainment, going from one of the premier studios in the world to one mired in controversy, scandals, lawsuits, and destroying years’ worth of goodwill with their fans. Diablo 4 has been viewed as the hopeful return to grace for...

An explanation of different Game Design Approaches

Iterative Design I believe it is the design approach the most used across all creative domains. We almost use this approach naturally. You start by assuming something, then you try, you test, and you learn from your last iteration to then reiterate. Iterations are ve...

Game Design with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important part of game design in recent years. AI can be used to create more realistic and engaging non-player characters (NPCs), procedurally generated content, and balance games in a way that have never been seen before. This creates new chal...

Game Design Patterns: Flyweight

Using the flyweight pattern is a great way to optimize performance in your game, especially concerning large volumes of prefabs (reusable objects) and script instances. When using prefabs, you can save performance by reusing a copy of that object. While each&n...

How to break down a game idea into a game design bible (not doc)

I used to think that Pong would be the perfect game for a beginner game developer. Not because it turned out to be difficult, but simply because there are simpler games to create. For example, Snake is one such game. It doesn’t require a second player or “complicated” ...

Playing for Change: How Game Design Could Promote Empathy and Awareness?

Video games, once relegated to leisure and escapism, have evolved into a powerful medium for tackling complex social and ethical issues. Game design, with its immersive storytelling and interactive experiences, is emerging as a potent instrument for raising awareness and fostering empathy towards th...

The Two Schools of Game Design

Over the years, with my work at Game-Wisdom, and through studying for the books I’ve written on game design, I have covered a lot of ground in terms of game design philosophy. In this piece, I’m going to go right back to basics and discuss how every game ever made falls into one of ...

Anatomy of a moveset design process

One of the aspects I’ve seen people struggling with often is “how do I design a moveset for my character in my fighting game?”. This might feel a little bit surprising: All of us creatives have tons of colorful characters ready to punch the living heck out of each other in the v...

Anatomy of a moveset design process

One of the aspects I’ve seen people struggling with often is “how do I design a moveset for my character in my fighting game?”. This might feel a little bit surprising: All of us creatives have tons of colorful characters ready to punch the living heck out of each other in the v...

Answers to the level design questions you’ve always wanted to ask

In the last article in our series for level designers, we look at common questions that didn’t fit elsewhere: on career, best level designs, the boundaries of level design, 2D vs. 3D, playtesting, career tips, and much, much more. Hi! My name is Vasiliy Skobelev, and I’m a Lead Le...

11. Design Pattern: Flyweight

It is one of the structural design patterns that is used to reduce the number of objects created to improve the memory footprint of an application. It is usually employed whenever we have limited memory or we can reuse the already existing similar kind of objects. It al...


What are game assets? A game asset is any resource that is used in the development of a video game — from 3D models and textures to sound effects and music. Game assets are created by different professionals, including artists, animators, sound designers, and programmers. The specific assets t...

Diablo IV’s Cramped Camera Zoom is A Terrible Design Choice

Isometric action RPGs often use fully fixed camera perspectives, a design element dating all the way back to Diablo and other classic isometric games. The fixed perspective gives the development team exact parameters to craft every other piece of the game around. When you know what area th...

Game Designer’s Creative Secrets | Design Patterns

DISCLAIMER: this article is just an introduction to Design Patterns in Game Design as part of my study behind games creativity. Your game is a genre by itself When we think of games like Mario and Super Meat Boy, it’s natural to identify them as belonging to the ‘2D platformer&rsqu...

Diablo 4’s Beta Shows the Horror of Modern AAA Design

It’s been a rough couple of years for Blizzard Entertainment, going from one of the premier studios in the world to one mired in controversy, scandals, lawsuits, and destroying years’ worth of goodwill with their fans. Diablo 4 has been viewed as the hopeful return to grace for...

Narrative Design 101 — What is Narrative Design?

(If you haven’t read the introduction to this series here, it will offer some valuable context). I like to start out on a positive note Screenshot from The Stanley Parable by Davey Wreden and William Pugh I covered this in the intro article, but I also wanted to include t...

The Limitations of Leveling Systems in Game Design

Leveling has been an essential part of game design and progression since the origins of RPG design. However, I’m finding that modern games are missing the point on leveling design, and I wanted to share my thoughts on how we may have outgrown the original use of leveling. Learning about...

Review “Design Review — 2.5D Pods 2023 Collection!”

I recently had the opportunity to explore  MetaDojo  ’s brand new 2.5D Dojo Pods Collection, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with what I discovered. As someone who’s always been intrigued by the metaverse and its evolving landscape, Meta Dojo’s offering s...

Unveiling the Secrets of UX Design in Games: An Analysis of Battlefield 2042

Introduction Keywords: UX Design in games, Battlefield 2042, gaming experience, UX Design elements In the world of gaming, UX Design plays a crucial role in providing an immersive and engaging experience for players. In this article, we will delve into the realm of UX Design in games, with a d...

Design First, Code When Needed

In the fast-paced world of software development, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. The concept of “Design First, Code When Needed” is emerging as a revolutionary approach, addressing the critical need for efficient and effective design and coding integration. This article delve...

Scaling Teams Mobile Development — Evolving the design pattern.

Monolithic mobile app codebases and stories about making them modularized is a common topic of discussion now-a-days. There are articles written on this from Slack, Square, Reddit, Robinhood and many more. Here is a series of posts that provides a systematic way and a design...

Facade Design Pattern in Swift

The Facade Design Pattern is a software design pattern that provides a simple interface to a complex system, making it easier to use and understand. In this article, we will explore the Facade Design Pattern and provide a Swift example to illustrate its use. Overview of the Facade Design Pattern:...

Skeuomorphism in User Experience Design

In the rapidly evolving landscape of UX design, there’s a recurring trend that resurfaces every now and then, challenging the status quo of minimalist and flat design. This is “skeuomorphism,” a design principle that marries the past and the present by incorporating familiar real-w...

Coffee Shop Interior Design in Abu Dhabi

Opening and running a Coffee shop in a city with rich coffee culture, many coffee lovers, and just as many coffee shops is no easy feat. You want your coffee shop interior design to be unique and stand out from other shops sprawled around the city of Abu Dhabi. While having a mouth-watering menu is ...

Why Design thinking?

By definition, design thinking is a human centered technique to define what is desirable from a human point of view, with what is technologically feasible to create, balanced by what is economically viable for an organization.   Livia Pommerening ,  Holger Kuhn  and I w...

What does your design smell like?

I’ve always been very sensitive to smell. I remember going on a date with someone who said he’s not a smoker but I definitely smell cigarettes (he confessed in the end that he just had a little smoke today.) I can smell 4 different scents when I enter a room whereas my friends smell none...

Designing Design Workshops: Knowing your audience

(I started writing this article prior to the pandemic and took the time to pause and to reflect about previous workshops I’ve attended or facilitated. Of course, I do not endorse in-person gatherings of any kind at this moment time. Stay virtual, people!) Recently, I’ve found myself b...

Why does Barcelona have a perfect pattern in its street design?

The city’s grid pattern was designed by Ildefons Cerdà in the 1850s and 1860s. Cerdà’s plan was based on the concept of the “Eixample,” which means “expansion” in Catalan. The Eixample was intended to be a new district that would expand the city beyo...

The Everlasting Bond Between Fashion and Digital Design

The need to represent ideas and concepts through fashion has driven many designers to develop interdisciplinary skills that overlap with their crafting of fabrics, prints, and other materials. With the pandemic, the demand for virtual fitting and personalized fashion has increased dramatically. This...

The Difference Between Architectural Design Build and Design Bid Build

Design-Bid-Build is the process which has been introduced over the past 150 years or so whereby you hire an architect to draft plans and design your project–to then have it bid out to contractors seeking to perform the project. This approach has many liabilities for the client due in no s...

Bicycle Design Archeology

There is an ocean of fantastic and practical design details from over 130 years of mainstream bicycle culture. Many things that used to be completely normal and often standard on bicycles have disappeared off the radar. The reason for it is no secret. As the bicycle as transport was gradually and ef...

Service Design Tour #12, Copenhagen

DDC — Danish Design Center With a sunny Copenhagen background, Day 1 started at the Danish Design Center. DDC is an independent foundation, co-funded by the government of Denmark, that’s working in cross-level, multidisciplinary projects for the interest of society, with particular fo...

Planning Your Dream Pool in Dubai: Expert Tips and Design Ideas

Considering the addition of a swimming pool to your garden in the UAE? Look no further for valuable insights, expert advice, and design inspiration. In this article, we delve into the essential considerations for building your dream pool in Dubai. Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need t...

Falling in Love With Design Through Travel

Dasom Choe is a designer currently based out of New York City working at the New York-based design studio and architecture firm Roman and Williams Buildings and Interiors. She attributes her passion for architecture and design to travel. We recently chatted with Dasom to learn more about how travel ...

Introducing…Erika Winters Design

I had the pleasure of interviewing the talented designer and entrepreneur, Erika Winters about life, travel, and design. ~ What attracted you to pursuing a career in Interior Design? EW: As a child, I loved films with strong design elements and interior design magazines. Plus my mom had great ...

The Miami Design District: Where Creativity and Style Converge - Susan M. Gale

Nestled in the heart of Miami, the vibrant and eclectic Miami Design District stands as a testament to innovation, artistry, and luxury. With its unique fusion of fashion, design, and culture, this trendy neighborhood has become a magnet for creative souls, design enthusiasts, and fashionistas from ...

User Experience Design at Fantasy

Recently we published a shared keynote file, detailing the UX setup developed and utilized by our UX teams at Fantasy in San Francisco and New York City. If you are interested in becoming an experience director at Fantasy in New York City, San Francisco or Miami, look at the keynot...

How to Establish Business’ Authority with Web Design and SEO?

Finding a reliable service provider through digital media is challenging. There are many options available when you search for services. For example, when you are searching “marketing for tradies”, there are hundreds of options available. How will your business make enough authority t...

Balconies as design components

I was in Tel Aviv earlier this year and took the Bauhaus tour around the ‘White City’. A UNESCO heritage site of over 4,000 buildings built in the 1930’s in a locally adapted form of International Style architecture. The tour was good and the guide went into some nice details about...

Decolonizing the Discourse: The UN in Africa a failure by design

Simultaneously, as the UN Climate Change Conference was drawing to a close, my frustration deepened. This extravagant event, attended by thousands of delegates from across the globe, unfolded as a multi-million dollar spectacle on climate change, all at the expense of taxpayers. What intensified my ...

Myth.AI’s Fashion Pattern Design Tools

Outside of certain communities with specific cultural practices, clothing is a norm that, over the past few decades, has increasingly gained more social significance, used to communicate our social status or express our personalities. Often also deeply influenced by the society and culture that s...

What is Circular Design? Approaching Sustainable Projects

Devising initiatives that captivate and are accessible to users is a fundamental challenge within sustainability projects. Despite citizens’ increased awareness concerning ecology and climate impact in recent years, forging a meaningful connection with the public remains a challenging endeavor...

Quick Guide to Sustainable Design Strategies

This makes some uncomfortable, but design and product development teams are responsible for the decisions that they make when contemplating, prototyping, and ultimately producing a product into existence. And thus, they are implicated in the environmental and social impacts that their creations have...

Graphic Design Trends in 2024

Graphic design tools help you make any image you can post or upload anywhere. But people don’t know which graphic design trends are going on in 2024. In the world, the role of graphic design tools is crucial because they help to reduce the time work and don’t need more expertise. There a...

Why diversity is essential to brilliant music… and to good product design

Why are the Beatles, Queen and Radiohead records better than Freddy Mercury’s, Paul McCartney’s and Thom Yorke’s solo work? Is it because they needed Brian May, John Lennon and Johnny Greenwood to unlock their potential? All three musicians are great songwriters on their own, bu...

What is Chip Design Verification

Verification is the process of taking an implementation of a chip at some level of abstraction and confirming that the implementation meets some specification or reference design. [¹] The purpose of verification is to identify and correct design defects in the chip before it goes into m...

Design is diversity: it’s time to talk about our role as designers

We live in a world undergoing intense transformation. A world that has awaken, as I like to believe, to the importance of empathy and respecting the ones around us. We also live in a world that has seen a lot of resistance to openness and inclusion these days. The rise of political views that ten...

Inclusive Design and Why Product Managers Should Care

Diversity and inclusion are hot topics in tech, and a lot of research has shown it’s not only the right thing to do but also a good business decision. A 2015 McKinsey report found that companies with ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial ret...

Design is a doorknob

However, every now and then, someone introduces a new door and a different method of opening it. Perhaps, there is still a doorknob or some other mechanism that allows us to enter what lies beyond these doors. Yet, these doorknobs are unlike any we have encountered before. They are placed in unconve...

The curb cut effect: How universal design makes things better for everyone

Itwas a beautiful day in Santa Barbara, California, and I was walking down to work listening to an episode of my favorite podcast 99% Invisible (I highly recommend). This episode talked about curb cuts–the ramps graded down on sidewalks to meet with the street. Here is yet ...

Embracing Accessibility and Inclusivity in UX/UI Design

As UX/UI designers, we often focus on creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces for our products. However, it’s equally important to consider accessibility and inclusivity in our designs. By focusing on these aspects, we can create experiences that are not only more user-friendly bu...

Biases in design: hiding in plain sight in a world full of visuals

I thought I was using my design education to improve the world around me. But the more time I spent doing my own learning and exploration outside of a classroom setting, the more I started to realize that my definition of what was “good” or “universal” had been heavily colore...

Good design is invisible. But so is design that harms.

Most designers would agree that good design is invisible. What do I mean by this? Invisible design is design that works. When it goes unnoticed, it means “no complaints.” A phone that is designed to help you better communicate helps you complete a task without problems, making your ...

Design principles: Creating shared values for a more inclusive fashion experience

When Zalando created its first Adaptive Fashion collection, launched in October 2022, we understood that, though functionality was integral, style had to come first. Not only did we want to improve on the existing, often gray and medicalized, adaptive fashion options on the market. Most of all,...

Four features for inclusive design using Duolingo app as an example

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn’t always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum — one that doesn’t necessarily fit with labels like “normal” and “defective.” Kelli Sandman-Hurley urge...

5 Truths About Dating & Relationships For Projectors (Human Design)

If you read my previous blog, “What It Means To Be A Projector In Human Design,” then you’re already familiar with the concept of waiting for an invitation. First of all, do NOT initiate anything. Acting out of fear, loneliness or desperation will repel people. There’s not...

Legal Design Lab’s 2021 Year in Review

The Lab partnered with the National League of Cities to create a cross-USA cohort of city leaders who wanted to develop, pilot, and evaluate new models to prevent evictions in their jurisdiction. This work was motivated by recent research on the role of evictions in exacerbating families’ fina...

Decolonial Design Thinking

The rise of the U.S. as a colonial and imperial power is largely credited to industrialization and racialized capitalism (Virdee, 2019). Over the last one hundred years, technological advancement in military, surveillance, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, software, and manufacturing — t...

Black Design Guild. Final Stretch

As we wind down this phase of our work, we’ve also just finished our final prototype. It focused on the role employers might play in the Guild. Throughout this work, the role that employers might play has been in constant motion. There have been discussions about whether employers should pr...

Can Dynamic Shared Ownership Revolutionize Pharma Organisational Design And Leadership?

Anderson’s journey towards DSO started during his stint at Roche Pharmaceuticals, where he championed agile practices and embraced the principles of Laloux’s Teal framework, promoting self-management and collaboration. He recognized the limitations of traditional hierarchical structures ...

The Fusion of Neuro-Design and Emotion AI in User Experience

These innovative approaches aim to deepen the emotional connection between users and digital products. In this article, we explore the fascinating realm of Neuro-Design and Emotion AI, delving into how these technologies are shaping the future of user experiences. Understanding Neuro-Design: D...

Quantum Computer Systems Design

Resource States in Quantum Computing Resource states are fundamental in quantum computing, acting as the foundation upon which quantum operations are built and executed. Characterized by their quantum entanglement, these states enable phenomena such as superposition and interference, which are es...

Biophysics and Drug Design: Using Physics to Develop New Therapeutics

The field of biophysics plays a crucial role in the development of new therapeutic drugs. By applying the principles of physics to understand biological processes at the molecular level, researchers can design more effective and targeted treatments for a wide range of diseases. In this blog po...

Ethnography: The First Step in Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a way to find the best solution to a problem through design and human centered means. Design Thinking is comprised of six main areas: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, and Implement. Each of these steps is crucial in coming up with the best solution possible for a proble...

The development of design anthropology in business practice

Anthropology has been seen as a discipline that studies people and their culture. An anthropologist is capable to understand humans deeper than any other discipline, although it is rarely seen that they are experts in their practical context. The legacy of classical anthropology — such as Mali...

The Design of Semi-Everyday Things

Over the past month, I’ve been actively seeking inspiration to refine my taste. Coincidentally at work, my design team and I have been participating in a taste-building exercise. Our goal is to improve individual tastes and align them as a team. While it’s simple to choose things we like...

Unleash Your Creativity: The Top 3D Fashion Design Courses of 2024 for Ultimate Mastery

In the ever-evolving world of fashion design, staying ahead of the curve is key. The realm of 3D fashion design has become a hotbed of innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities for creative expression. If you’re ready to take your fashion design skills to new heights, we’ve curated...

Fashion Design Workshops: Why Practical Experience Matters

Fashion design is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that thrives on creativity, innovation, and practical skills. While classroom education provides a strong foundation, fashion design workshops are where theory meets practice, and aspiring designers truly hone their craft. Let’s ...

How 3D Fashion Design Technology Saves Your Time

A decade ago, speed was still an advantage of fashion brands. However, it is now a basic requirement for apparel production. Huge successes of fast fashion brands, like Zara, Topshop, etc., proved that the secret of following the fashion is not just a unique style, but also a high speed. 3D techn...

3D Fashion Design Reshapes the Clothing Supply Chain

The clothing supply chain comprises of several processes, including clothes development, fabric & trim sourcing, garment production and distribution. As the manufacturing is generally subcontracted to suppliers located in different countries, shipping and transportation of samples and finished p...

How is Fashion Design HCD?

My favourite part of the design process has always been making sense of research inputs and building on ideas using evidence. Insights from research are consolidated in the form of ‘reports’ — from thumbnails of styles with their distinguishing characteristics to design theme ...


According to Statista.com apparels had the largest share amongst the various segments of the Indian fashion Industry, accounting for 81 percent from 2017 to 2023. Indian fashion industry which has traditionally been influenced by culture and region is slowly witnessing a paradigm shif...

How important design is in perception management

Perception somehow allows us to survive the bombardment of information around us. It forms a holistic process together with all the factors that shape our character and ideologies from childhood to adulthood. Design not only guides life, but also supports the processes of ordering and raising aware...

A.I and Design

Artificial Intelligence plays a vital role in design work. Wonder how? Let’s explore its tremendous potential . AI design tools help creating captivating designs more quickly by filtering a product design based on the successful ones. It also possesses the characteristic of suggesting en...

The design philosophy behind essentials fear of god and its impact on streetwear

The design philosophy behind Essentials Fear of God is based on the idea of elevated basics. The brand’s clothing is simple, but it is made with high-quality materials and attention to detail. The clothing is designed to be versatile and timeless. It is not tied to any specific trend or season...

Cab-forward Design Saved Chrysler and Reshaped Urban Cars

Automotive production has developed over the decades followed by a huge contrast: it’s filled with procedures and standards of all types, and yet it’s susceptible to have all that changed at any time. The station wagon body style, for instance, had its clientele stolen by minivans and th...

Supporting RTL Design on Android

Almost all scripts in the world are written from Left to Right. But some script like Arabic is written from Right to Left. So for the best user experience, we should support Right to Left design, too. When a UI changed from LTR to RTL (or vice versa) it’s named “mirroring”. If y...

Web Design For Right-to-Left Languages: the Basics

Localization, the process of adapting a website to a particular locale, is essential for any interface, even if only a small amount of content is there. As different locales and different language groups have various features, developers must take into account these differences when creating a websi...

Eyes on everyday design

Where everyday products are optimized with a view to improving the experience, I find myself, as a user, confronted with very specific questions in my use. For a moment, I’m going to have some fun reversing the roles. Put myself in the user’s shoes, because that’s what really ma...