Write Python Apps using Layered Architecture and Design Patterns
<p>This is <strong>a complete</strong> and <strong>practical</strong> guide with full project code about <strong>Layered Architecture. </strong>Even if<strong> </strong>the code in this<strong> </strong>is <strong>written in Python</strong>, these ideas are <strong>general </strong>programming concepts and design patterns that can be implemented in <strong>almost</strong> the same way in <strong>any</strong> OO Language like <strong>C++, Java</strong>, etc. This is a Zero-To-Hero guide where we will learn <strong>everything</strong> about the <strong>Layered Architecture </strong>including <strong>advanced</strong> stuff and other Design Patterns. <em>Enjoy reading!</em></p>
<h2>{ This guide was written without any assistance from any AI Tools }</h2>
<p>In this guide I will show you how to use this architecture and other design patterns (like validator, repository, decorator, etc) to create python applications that can be <strong>tested</strong> with ease, be <strong>scalable</strong>, and it will save you <strong>a lot</strong> (and I mean a lot) of development time <strong>in the long run</strong>. And the best part is that this is a <strong>general-purpose </strong>architecture that can be implemented in <strong>any</strong> language, and can be a <strong>backbone</strong> architecture <strong>for every project</strong> you start or work on. I will keep it short with the theory part and I <strong>will try to explain more with code</strong>.</p>
<p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/write-python-apps-using-layered-architecture-and-design-patterns-75cb29b20c99">Website</a></p>