System Design Interview : Design a URL shortening service

<p>Today, our focus will be on constructing a URL shortener akin to popular services like We will explore various algorithms, discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately determine which one is best suited for this particular system.</p> <p>Before diving into the technical details, it&#39;s essential to establish a set of concrete assumptions. For instance, we can assume that URLs will have a maximum length of 7 characters, and we need to anticipate the volume of incoming traffic. Let&#39;s say our system needs to handle up to one million hits per day, which translates to approximately 30 million hits each month, and so on.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong><em>Interview Advice:&nbsp;</em></strong><em>In most system design interviews, you&rsquo;ll receive a broad or vague problem statement, like the one shown here. Your task as the interviewee is to ask the right follow-up questions and clarify the requirements.</em></p> </blockquote> <p>We&#39;ll begin by constructing a data capacity model. This model will encompass crucial elements such as:</p> <ul> <li>Long URLs, each consuming approximately 2KB of storage.</li> <li>Short URLs, each represented by 7 characters.</li> <li>Creation datestamps, requiring 7 bytes of storage.</li> <li>Expiry date information, also necessitating 7 bytes of storage.</li> </ul> <p>While this may appear straightforward, designing for scalability in real-world scenarios adds complexity. Building a system that scales effectively involves more than a simplistic single-server approach; it demands a thoughtful and comprehensive strategy.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Design System