How to understand your clients better in a meeting — UX Design

<p>I&rsquo;ve recently adapted to become a newbie extrovert! Because I realized in UX, one of the most crucial things is to speak your thoughts. This made daily client meetings an ultimate playground for me to practice speaking and get comfortable with it.</p> <p>But, maybe I spoke too much and didn&rsquo;t listen enough. As a designer, I started noticing a problem when clients kept repeating the same thing on multiple calls. Even after sharing my thoughts out loud, my designs didn&rsquo;t match what the client wanted. I couldn&rsquo;t understand why. I thought I was solving the problem, but&nbsp;<strong>I was actually solving what I assumed to be the problem</strong>, not what the client actually needed. After multiple calls and feedback, I realized that<strong>&nbsp;I wasn&rsquo;t listening to the client&rsquo;s needs properly.</strong></p> <p>After conducting research and a lot of trial and error. I found this to help me understand my clients better:</p> <h1>Active Listening</h1> <p>Yes, this is the most obvious thing to do. But this has to be done right. You don&rsquo;t want them to repeat the same thing again and again. So, hear them out properly with these steps:</p> <h2>1. A valuable source of information on the client side</h2> <p>Having the right information is crucial. In meetings, many people may provide feedback or share information, but not everyone may have the necessary context. To avoid confusion, find the person with the most insight on the topic and ask them to clarify things for you. This person could be a manager, DevOps personnel, or even the client themselves. Make sure to pay close attention when they are speaking.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: UX Design