What Means Domain in the Context of Domain-Driven Design?

<p>Over a decade ago, I embarked on a journey into the exciting world of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). In the past, I even had the opportunity to write a column about it for VSOne magazine. I shared my hands-on experiences and insights into developing complex business applications with C# .NET. Today, I revisit that passion by focusing on the core principles of DDD, starting with the most basic but often misunderstood concept: the &ldquo;domain.&rdquo;</p> <p>In this article, you&rsquo;ll learn what a &ldquo;domain&rdquo; means in the context of DDD, how it is structured, and why understanding it is critical to the success of any DDD project. We will explore core, supporting, and generic subdomains using a simple online bookstore as an illustrative example. Once you understand these basics, you will be better equipped to tackle complex business problems in an organized and effective manner.</p> <h1>What Does &ldquo;Domain&rdquo; Really Mean?</h1> <p>When we talk about Domain-Driven Design, or DDD, the term &ldquo;domain&rdquo; is often thrown around a lot. But what does it actually mean? If you&rsquo;ve been developing software for any length of time, you&rsquo;ve probably heard people talk about &ldquo;the domain&rdquo; as if it were some mystical entity that everyone should know about. Let&rsquo;s clear the air and get to the heart of what &ldquo;domain&rdquo; really means, especially in the context of DDD.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.ricofritzsche.de/what-means-domain-in-the-context-of-domain-driven-design-6d604685f5ca">Website</a></p>