Discovering Design Patterns and Embracing Knowledge

<p>On any given Wednesday, as a software developer in a in a Small Argentine Town, I woke up late.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s not a habit, but I wanted to finish reading an e-book called &ldquo;Steal Like an Artist&rdquo; by Austin Kleon that I started last night; I highly recommend that you read it.</p> <p>It was 8:15 when someone knocked on the gate. It was the lawnmower guy. I attended to him with the face of someone who had just woken up and hair in a Goku-like disarray.</p> <p>I had to bring my dogs inside the house so that the guy could do his work peacefully.</p> <p>As I was preparing breakfast and the coffee was brewing, I indulged in some nerdy reading before joining the work meeting.</p> <p>I started reading a new chapter of &ldquo;Design Patterns&rdquo; by Erich Gamma, and I was on the &ldquo;Chain of Responsibility&rdquo; pattern. From what I understood, it solves something like this</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>