Can Dynamic Shared Ownership Revolutionize Pharma Organisational Design And Leadership?

<p>Anderson&rsquo;s journey towards DSO started during his stint at Roche Pharmaceuticals, where he championed agile practices and embraced the principles of Laloux&rsquo;s Teal framework, promoting self-management and collaboration. He recognized the limitations of traditional hierarchical structures in stifling innovation and agility, particularly in the face of the pharma industry&rsquo;s complex challenges. His bold move at Bayer, where he implemented DSO on a company-wide scale, sent shockwaves through the industry. While the results are still unfolding, Anderson&rsquo;s commitment to empowering employees and fostering collective leadership sets a precedent for a potentially transformative approach to pharma leadership.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>