Algorithms you need to know before you take that Systems Design Interview

<p>While scouring my LinkedIn feed for non-cringe posts, I came across this infographic that talks about different algorithms and their use-cases. Like the title suggests, I figured I should know what these algos are and where/how they are used. I haven&rsquo;t really had a systems design interview before, but I&rsquo;m curious and eager to learn. These explanations and analogies provide my simplified understanding of each algorithm. It&rsquo;s important to note that these algorithms can have additional complexities and considerations in real-world implementations.</p> <h2>GeoHash</h2> <p>GeoHash is a technique used to encode geographic coordinates into a string format. It divides the Earth into a grid and represents each grid cell with a unique code. The longer the code, the smaller the grid cell it represents. GeoHash allows for efficient indexing and searching of geospatial data, as similar locations tend to have similar codes.</p> <p><strong>Analogy</strong>: Imagine you have a treasure map divided into squares, each labeled with a different letter or number. The longer the label, the smaller the square it represents. By looking at the code on the map, you can quickly identify the approximate location of the treasure without needing to search the entire map.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>