Why diversity is essential to brilliant music… and to good product design

<p>Why are the Beatles, Queen and Radiohead records better than Freddy Mercury&rsquo;s, Paul McCartney&rsquo;s and Thom Yorke&rsquo;s solo work? Is it because they needed Brian May, John Lennon and Johnny Greenwood to unlock their potential?</p> <p>All three musicians are great songwriters on their own, but their band work is exceptional. Maybe the key to excellence is a collaborative process, in which their initial work is challenged by their peers?</p> <p>Yes, ok, but what about jazz musicians and classical composers? They operate completely individually, right?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@baswallet/why-diversity-is-essential-to-brilliant-music-and-to-good-product-design-4409d9b433a1"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Product Design