Design is a doorknob

<p>However, every now and then, someone introduces a new door and a different method of opening it. Perhaps, there is still a doorknob or some other mechanism that allows us to enter what lies beyond these doors. Yet, these doorknobs are unlike any we have encountered before. They are placed in unconventional locations, causing us to pause and contemplate. We are faced with a decision &mdash; to decipher the new door&rsquo;s opening mechanism and then determine whether we embrace or reject this change.</p> <p>The introduction of a new door with an innovative opening method is disruptive, and that is perfectly acceptable. However, a poorly designed door is not acceptable. It creates an unpleasant experience, preventing us from fully engaging and enjoying what lies behind it. On the other hand, a well-designed door, regardless of whether it is new or old, does not impose discomfort upon us. Instead, it beckons us to explore further, igniting our curiosity and excitement. We eagerly anticipate opening it, or perhaps it opens itself, enticing us to venture beyond the entrance and discover what lies ahead.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>