How 3D Fashion Design Technology Saves Your Time

<p>A decade ago, speed was still an advantage of fashion brands. However, it is now a basic requirement for apparel production. Huge successes of fast fashion brands, like Zara, Topshop, etc., proved that the secret of following the fashion is not just a unique style, but also a high speed.</p> <p>3D technology&rsquo;s high speed is not just about short product development periods, but also better-prepared product concepts, adequate validation time and better quality collections. With such technology, designers can easily edit their designs digitally and embed rigid parts like buttons and trims quickly. Adopting this high-automated technology means a more effective approach to success. Five reasons are listed below to illustrate how 3D fashion design technology accelerates your product development process.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>