How important design is in perception management

<p>Perception somehow allows us to survive the bombardment of information around us. It forms a holistic process together with all the factors that shape our character and ideologies from childhood to adulthood.<br /> Design not only guides life, but also supports the processes of ordering and raising awareness. From visual materials to large structures, it can be guided by a working principle that encompasses function, needs and ideals as well as the concept of beauty &mdash; in some cases unconsciously. The reason for this can be considered as environmental factors affecting the individual or society, ideologies). Design also has an intricate structure, from service design to product design, many issues that we can address fall within this scope.<br /> I would like to explain with a short example through fashion; the clothes of the armies during and after World War II did not only prioritize function, but were also shaped by the desire to influence the style of the period as well as the idea of showing off. Especially in Europe and America, the fashions and trends shaped after these wars were planned to meet the demands of civilians, which became widespread under its influence.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>